
HELP!!! MY 19 month old is getting his 2yr molars!!?

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I've had the perfect NON-CRYING baby ever since birth. I guess it's my turn. He is 19 mnths old and getting his 2 yr molars. Fever, PAIN and NON-STOP CRYING!! I'm losing my mind!! My husband tries to help but our baby only wants mommy. Please send me help with what to do. I've tried crushed ice it works temporarily, mortin, tylenol only helps the fever. What can I do to relieve my little sweethearts pain. I'm at my wits end!!! HELP????!!!!!




  1. that gel stuff works on my neices and nephews

  2. have you tried orajel or popsicles?  Or how about freezing his teething rings.  My son used to love that when he was teething.  I feel for you.  It's heartbreaking to see your baby in pain.  Good luck

  3. Teething tablets they work wonders and motrin it truely helps!Good luck it only last a short while you can make it through it!car rides also eased the process

  4. You could try Oragel, but in my experience, it just makes the baby madder. Rotate the Tylenol and Motrin and don't miss any doses. It's easier to keep up with pain relief once it's been had than it is to get relief in the first place. Have you tried Hyland's Teething Tablets? They're available at Walmart, Target and the like. You can find them by the vitamins and they're all natural.

    Offer him various "chew" toys; teething rings, vibrating teethers, etc. I also would freeze wet washcloths for my son to chew on. Frozen waffles were also a favorite of his when his gums were sore. My son also liked it when I would brush the sore area with one of those fingertip toothbrushes for babies.

  5. i work at a pediatric dentist office only use mortrin ....tylenol doesn't work well for mouth pain!......we always suggest that u take a toddler tooth brush run in under some water and stick it in the freezer then let him chew on that b/c it fits in their mouth perfect! i hope that helps him out !

  6. Try some anbesol or some other numbing type medicine you put directly on the gums

  7. How high is the fever?  If it's above 99-100 degrees, I'd take him to a doctor.  Although teething can theorectically cause a fever, it should be very low grade.  So, if it's any higher, you need to rule out infection, especially with the level of pain your baby seems to be in.  Good luck!

  8. have you tried benzocaine? it's the numbing gel by orajel?

    my son will be 17 months tomorrow and i have a feeling he is going to start erupting his second molars soon.

  9. I would try Popsicles. I would also teach daddy to be patient and take time out like mommies do to make sure our children are handled with the most care possible (Darn this curse that mothers have to be gentle) so your child would prefer daddy as well. Ask you family Dr. if they can recommend anything that works for longer period of time for fever and pain. Some how Tylenol knocked my son out, but he had diarrhea. Oh the lovely smell of diarrhea. lol

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