
HELP! Malawi tank!!!!! Please help!!!!! ANSWER!?

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I'm setting up a lake malawi tank and it just seems boring without live plants, there is no interest in the tank, I would live a combo of rocks, and live plants but they will eat.

Has some one else got a malawi tank and is having the same problem?

if you have could you tell me!!! PLEASE HELP!!!





  1. Yes, it does seem boring without live plants. However, lake malawi is pretty devoid of live plants...

    This isnt a problem, as the fish more than make up for the tank, and you could make it all riverbeddy with a current and stuff.

    I managed to get away with established java fern in my smaller malawi tank, it did take a bit of a battering, but i think the fish didnt want to eat it, as it survived!

  2. You can ues Java fern or java moss. For some reason they don't like it. You can tie the moss around driftwood where it will take root. You can put it between plastic mesh where it will grow into a screen for a backdrop.I tie java fern to pieces of lava rock where it takes root, then bury the lava rock in the sand.

  3. i have 2 malawi tanks and i use anubias and java fern. plus they have lots of rocks and a big peice of driftwood.

    they don't like the taste of anubias, but you don't plant them you tie them to your wood or rocks.and mine produce flowers sometimes. i had no luck with java moss it all died i think because my water is so hard, but my malawian cichlids love it.

  4. Why on earth is this urgent?

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