
HELP!! My 2 1/2 year son has really bad diarrhea, for about 2 days now, what can i do to help him??? ?

by Guest66460  |  earlier

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its not even solid, its just water!!!! please help!




  1. Get him to the doctors and see if he has some sort of bug.  Probably just the stomache flu.  But get him some pedialite, he needs to drink lots of fliuds to make sure he doesn't get dehidrated.  

  2. Take him off all food and liquids and only give him Pedialite for 24 hours. This seems mean but it will allow his system to heal itself. It is what my pediatrician had me do for all 7 of mine when they had diarrhea.

  3. No dairy products and get him on the BRAT diet, that's Bananas, rice, applesauce, toast. Keep him hydrated with water and popcycles. Call your pediatrician if it doesn't clear up in another day or if you notice signs of dehydration.

  4. You need to take him to the pediatrician and see if it's something serious and not try to get answers from unqualified people here on yahoo. diarrhea is usually something pretty serious especially if it's been for 2 days.

  5. Make sure you keep him hydrated and call your pediatritian.  

    He may have a bug that only antibiotics or other medicine can clear up. Any fever?

    Call the doctor and keep pushing clear fluids in the mean time.

  6. call your Dr. my daughter had that and was hospitalized with a very contagious bugcalled Rotovirus. she was giving IV fluids to keep her from dehydrating over night...on her birthday no doubt. not say yours is, but you risk dehydration in a lilone that young. i'd start with pedilyte and call my Dr.

  7. take him to the doctor he would be very dehydrated!  you dont want to mess around waiting for it to get worse!

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