
HELP!! My Kitten is nursing from my dog!

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Ok, so the past few days I been catching my 13 week old kitten nurse on my 1 year old dog. She is fixed, so I dont think she could be producing any milk, but he keeps trying to nurse on her. Now her nipple is all red like a hicky... What should I do to stop this??? I need help!!!! Thank you so much!!




  1. This actually isnt very uncommon! I had a dog that seemed to think that she was all of our kittens mother! It's weird because your dog can very well start to develope milk! The vets actually call it a "false pregnancy", they said there is nothing that can be done because our dog thought that the kittens were her babies! So I guess just wait it out! lol I know it seems really weird!  

  2. that's so weird but cute

  3. aww how cute. if the kitten was hurting the dog, the dog wouldnt let him do that.  

  4. Maybe it would be easier to answer your question if you post a video on youtube.

  5. its ok they thing the dog is one of them or thier mothers they will stop when they start to eat normal food :)

  6. I kind of think if the dog's not complaining leave them alone...

    There's stories like this on the news all the time, I don't think it's necessarily bad. If you're really concerned maybe call and ask your vet about it. Otherwise the cat's going to get over nursing eventually on it's own...

  7. I had the simalar problem, but it was someone elses dog just visiting. If you feel it is hurting the dog, you can put Lanolin on the is for nursing moms and won't hurt the dog or the kitten if it nurses. It may actually make the kitten stop nursing because it won't like the smell and maybe the taste. Try getting one of those dog balls with the little nipples on it. It takes a while for the dog to produce milk and its very little, so the kitten is probably not getting milk, it is using the dog as a pacifier. Try to rub a small amount of tuna or canned cat food on the balls nipple(s) to get the cat to use it instead of the dog. Good luck.

  8. If it hurts your dog then your dog would probably put a stop to it.  So I wouldn't worry.  If your dog seems like she might hurt the kitten to make it stop then separate them, but it may be that she doesn't mind the discomfort.

    Kittens will try to nurse for comfort, not just for food.  It's pretty normal, especially if the kitten left his mommy too soon.  

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