
HELP!!! My betta's bowl?

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im getting a betta fish and i need help...

it's about the tank/bowl.

i need one that i can clean easily (im 12 years old...) and something not too big.

maybe one of those goldfish bowls...would that be good?

or if i should get a tank how much gallons & what i need for it... please help me :) i want the best home for my new betta...

Easy 10 points!!!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!




  1. I hate how they have them in the little cups. I kept mine in a nice sized Goldfish bowl. Any kind of plastic bowl is good for them u dont need anything huge though so its easy to clean

    good luck!

  2. get a bowl with a lid they jump sometimes. You dont need anything big betta's like small spaces. ^_^

  3. ok so i've had bettas  before,

    and all they need is like a gold fih tank really!

    but also, they have special betta tanks at petsmart, or pet co!

    hope i helped!

  4. You need:

    -2.5 gallon tank or more;

    -water testing kit for ammonia, pH, chlorine, etc

    -Betta water conditioner

    -small heater (don't cook your fish! keep it between 76-82*F)


    -Betta food (pelletes, bloodwarm dried food)

    -plastic plants(make sure is not very rigit or else it can damage your betta's fins) or silk plants (if you don;t want real plants

    - scrubber pad for acrylic aquariums  (usually i think is white)

    - Deer Park water spring (that's what it use :D )

    -1 beautifull Betta <3

    Did you already got your betta or going to get it? If your going to get it make sure is healthy. You can look at his water (must be clean) maybe you will see some bubbles (if ur getting a male), and if he's active and curious.

    The tank must be at least 2.5 gallons, i saw one at petco, is called All-Glass Mini-Bow 2.5 Little Lagoon Starter Kits and as i can see it has decorations, filter, light, but i don't know if it has heater.

    Put all the decorations in hot water , DON'T WASH THEM WITH SOUP OR ANY SOLUTIONS, only water! same with your tank! make sure u get a Scrubber-Pad from petstore,because the ones that you use to wash dishes have already some solution that can harm your fish.

    Ok, now water, i use Deer Park water spring, you can get it from Giant or K-mart or whatever. I use that one because you don't need to use all those solutions for pH or chlorine. I only put a little bit of Betta water Conditioner  (put 1 capfull), because it can be a little bit of chlorine from your decorations, after you wash them with WATER only. I usually use a little bit of aquarium salt but is not really necessary.

    After ur done setting your tank let it run 1-2 days; buy and use a water testing kit available from any fish store. You should measure ammonia and nitrites, keeping them as close to 0 as possible (especially the ammonia).

    The pH levels should ideally be 6.8 to 7.0 -- slightly acidic to neutral. Now you can go and get your pretty betta fish, but check the water's temperature before u put it in his new home, must be the same temperature he has in his plastic cup. The water temperature must be between 76-82*F, ideal is like 80* F. Try to maintain the same temperature everytime.

    Hope this helps you :)

  5. well, im sorry to say this but a 5g tank wiht gentle filter and a heater is minimum for one betta.... yes, a heater is still necessary. what you need for a betta:

    5g tank with hood

    heater (25 to 50 watt)

    gentle filter

    gravel (10lbs)

    hidey hut (a small terra cotta pot turned on its side works)

    pants live or fake, doesnt matter


    master test kit (pH, Amoni, Nitrite, Nitrate)

    gravel syphon

    bucket that holds 3 or 4 gallons (you really need 2)

    betta pellets (these should only make up 1/3 of the diet so also gert:)

    freeze-dried tubifex

    freeze dried bloodworms

    freezedried brine shrimp

    youll also need tap water dechlorinator


    before you even get the fish, take the tnak and components out of the packaging and  rinse waht you can i warm water and wipe dry.

    place the tnak on an apropriate stand ( note: a stand is needed for an aquarium this big)

    place in the gravel , decor and fake plants (if you have live plantd, do notadd them till later)

    fill the tank up with lukewarm tap water, add the apropriate amound of water conditioner to it

    put in all the equiptment (filter and heater, aswell as thermomiter) and set the heater to 7*F  to 80* F

    NOW place in the live plants, if any

    make sure everything is running right and the temp is correct, a week later and everythings goin good NOW get the fish.

    float the lil cup of water  (or bag of water) for 30 min to equalise the temp, now release the beta in the tank


    feed the fish 3 or 4 pellets in the morning, at night feed it bloodworms, tubifex, and/or brine shrimp ....


    ever week, fill the bucket with 3 gallons of water and add the right amount of dechlorinator, let it sit out overnight in the buckets... the next day unplug all the equiptment for the tank, start up the  gravel vacuum, vacuum debris out of the gravel into the bucket till the tank is half full then re-fill the tank with the water in the bucket.... VOILA!! just do this every week and youll be good=]

    good luck and for any more help with your betta (well, except disease im not good at that yet) email me at


  6. it should be no smaller  than 3 gallons and they should have heaters (they are tropical fish) and a filter

    test kits are not nesaserie

    but you may also want


    live plants

    a net

    a gravel siphon

    and a bucket

  7. Hi, no fish deserves anything less than at least a 10 gallon tank with a fitted lid, a filter & a heater if necessary. This is for several reasons-when we put a fish in any container it's not just his house it's his entire universe-he cannot go anywhere else like any other pet-even gerbils or birds can be excessively outside the cage but a fish in water is completely self contained so give him something interesting to live in!

      Additional benefits are [strange but true] the bigger tank you buy, the easier it is to look after, more stable ecologically & far healthier to live in as well as being more fun to watch. Tiny starter tanks & bowls are nothing more than marketing devices to extract money, are a nightmare to maintain & clean, all they are good for is killing fish. the link below has all the advice needed to keep your Betta happy & healthy for many years, not just a couple of weeks-best of luck!

  8. My betta is in a 5 gallon tank..its easy to clean and mine came with the filter and everything in it..oh yeah you should make sure to put the water out in the bowl for 24 hours b4 you put the fish in it..i let mine set out for 3 days with the filter and everything mine is doing good! good luck wit the betta!

    PS they are super easy fish to take care of!

  9. Well, you could keep him/her in a goldfish bowl (that preferably holds 1+gallons of water), or you could keep him/her in an aquarium up to 10 gallons. The reason you shouldn't go over 10 gallons, especially with a male, is that betta fish are slower swimmers, and will spend their time going around and around the tank, looking for intruders (they are very territorial, and can be very agressive to other fish, especially other bettas). If you are planning on getting a male, a goldfish bowl (though I hate calling them that because they are not suitable for a goldfish) will work out nicely, as long as it holds atleast 1 gallon or so of water.

    If you plan on getting a female, I suggest a larger tank, which can range from 1.5-10 gallons. Females can be kept together in sorority tanks, but it is best to get females from the same tank at the petstore (or wherever you are getting your fish from) if you plan on going about this method.

    For more information of Bettas, you can join this forum:

    At UB, there are betta lovers of all ages who come together in the forum to talk about their bettas, give advice and help to those in need, and talk about rescues and breeding. There really is an answer to everything Betta there!

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