
HELP! My boyfriend is being violated unfairly by his probation officer.?

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My boyfriend received a probation violation notice in the mail. He is being violated for "not meeting with his probation officer at scheduled times" but here is the thing. On July 14th, she was supposed to come to our house and never showed up. My boyfriend called her and she said to meet him at her office on the 23rd... He went to her office on the 23rd and there was a note for him saying she had to cancel and that he should meet her on August 4th... Then he got the notice. This seems really unfair, and I'm afraid my boyfriend is going to jail... Is there anything he can do???




  1. Welcome to the CRIMINAL Justice System! Your boyfriend is screwed. Unless he has a Vulture, er, Lawyer to represent him and can prove with supporting documentation that he was actually where he was supposed to be when he was supposed to be there, no one will believe anything he has to say! There's an old adage that goes, "If you want to see an [inmate/convict] lie, look at him when his/her lips are moving!" It is unfair, but always remember and NEVER forget that he screwed up to get himself in this situation and whats more if it had anything to do with violence or drugs you're a fool for being involved with him because he's in the system now and they will never, never let him go!

  2. It is too early to tell whether or not your boyfriend's probation officer is alleging that your boyfriend failed to report on the 23rd or if there might be other days that he missed.  However, a probation violation hearing is similar to a criminal trial, there has to be proof that a violation occurred.  Your boyfriend needs to make sure that he has all the documentation that he received.

  3. Make sure to have records of the notices from the P/O and bring them to the hearing.

  4. Welcome to the system, not only criminal justice...

    it amazes me that service users expect the system to run smoothly ( when it comes to workers),when they themselves never bother to show up until forced to do so...

    A "coincidental" taste of his own medicine?!....

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