
HELP!!! My cat's pee is brown and red! Is this bad? What should I do?

by  |  earlier

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I just saw my cat use the litter box and it seemed as if his urine was a brownish red color. He is 15 and has diabetes, which he seems to be doing pretty well with. Otherwise he is very healthy as far as I know. Should I be worried about this? What could this possibly mean? (Please do not reccommend the vet--I already made an appointment for tomorrow.)




  1. He probably has a bladder infection which means, GET HIM TO THE VET ASAP!!!!!!!!!

  2. that is probably blood in his urine. My cat gets infections several times a year and that is one of the first signs that one is starting.  Also, since urinary infections are so dangerous in cats {especially males} getting him to the vet quickly is very important!!  Pay attention to the number of times he goes and how much he puts out between now and tomorrow when you take him to the vet. Keep plenty of clean water available throughout your home. You don't want him getting dehydrated on top of this..

    Good luck and keep us posted

  3. Urine should be a translucent pale yellow color and not reddish brown!!!!! , has your cat appears to have urine which is reddish brown, then the vet appointment will need to be kept tomorrow. A urinary tract infection, bladder infection, kidney infection, and the like will also cause your cat to pee in inappropriate places.

  4. Something like this cannot be correctly diagnosed on the internet - there are too many variables.  Please just wait to talk to your vet, he knows your cat, is a professional-licensed doctor - unlike most of the people here.  Even as a vet tech, you cannot even venture to tell you what is wrong - most of the answers here will be wrong - and just worry you more.  Just wait until the vet does an exam, and gives you a clear, concise picture of what is happening, and what to do - he is a professional.

  5. He could have a bladder infection.

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