
HELP! My cat is driving me crazy...Lol...How do I stop this weird behavior??

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Hello everyone, I have a cat who is about 1 year and a couple of weeks, and her behavior is just very undesirable and my husband and I don't know what to do anymore.

See, lately she has had an obsession with the litter box. she is not sick, she is perfectly fine, but her behavior has been terrible lately. What she does is she will SLEEP in her litter box, even though it is filled with fresh litter, and even if there is something in it for a little while, before we can get around to cleaning it before bed, she will sleep in there anyway, and it is driving me crazy because I just had to give her a bath yesterday due to some skin things, and she was so nice and clean, and now she has been sleeping in the litter again like she was yesterday before she was clean, and i dont know what to do to keep her out of there...What can I do?? She wont stop. I take her out of it and bring her downstairs and put her in the window sill, and then 5 minutes later she hops out, goes upstairs and falls asleep in the litter again...

What can I do to change her behavior???

And besides that, she has a horrible jumping problem where she will hop on my husbands lap no matter what, and every time she does, shes clumsy so she doesn't get her footing right and claws him, like last night, my husband had his dinner visible on his lap and she jumped from across the room and tried to sit in his lap on top of his food- she doesn't know her boundaries as a cat and we have tried everything- from spray bottles, to air, to clipping her nails so she cant hurt us (We cant get her declawed- adopted from animal shelter at a few months old-in contract not to declaw) She just CANT be away from his lap for more than 5 minutes, and he doesnt want her on him 24 hours a day but shes always trying to force herself onto him. If he puts her on the floor, she hops back up like a boomerang.....

Then she will pull stuff out of the cabinet in the kitchen so she can sleep in there(So I am probably getting child locks on all of the cabinets so they cant get in there)...but what i dont understand is she has a VERY nice cat bed- Its leopard print and is just a miniature people bed with a bedskirt, headboard and footboard and everything- the kitties used to love it.

We love her to death but her behavior just wont seem to improve nomatter what methods we use...I just dont know what to do anymore...Is it hopeless to try and get her to behave herself ?? The other cat we have, Grizabella very rarely acts up, shes a year and a couple months, so we are not worried about her.

Please help me...I am at my wits end...I have tried everything...and nothing seems to train her....Please help???




  1. Has she been fixed? I don't remember what age it is that they can be fixed, but I do know that my cat was acting up a lot before being fixed. That may be the problem. But if it's not I really don't know. She might just want more attention.  

  2. This is a generalized problem usually reported within the first few weeks to months of bringing a cat home from the shelter. Most cats, while in the shelter, are confined to a cage with a litter box and food/water bowls. Because the cage is rather small, the cat will start to sleep in it's litter box...this behavior is also observed in cats that are purchased at pet stores as well. There really is no common cure for this sort of problem as you cannot close the door to it's litter box. Cats that are under stress will also perform bizarre and annoying behaviors such as clawing and wanting extreme amounts of attention. Is this an only pet in the house? It could be caused by a dominant issue where there are other pets in the house and your kitty feels like she needs to be the center of attention. To correct some of these issues and calm your kitty I suggest using Rescue Remedy or Feliway. Both are vet recommended and well known for their stress reducing qualities. If this doesn't do the trick then you may need to contact your vet. Best of luck!

  3. Okay, my cat Sandy,had huge obsession with her litter box.I've had a few cat's in my life and one slept in the little box and everything.I've also seen other cat's very attached to.They like clawing the bottum of the box and stuff.I didn't think about it (I was like 8 or something) and then my mom said we had to kick them out of the house because they stunk, and they ran all over the house and peed on the bed.So we put them outside, and she started using the sand box for her litter! (eww my little brother used to play in there) I've seen many other cat's do that! Sandy is one of the weirdest cat's and she still is, but i love her a lot.That's so normal.Don't worry you don't have to take her to the vet or anything she's just weird like my cats and most cats.

    p.s. a cat can get fixed at about 7 months

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