
HELP! My coputer wont start!!?

by  |  earlier

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I don't knwo what happened. i think i have a virus or something but when i try to turn on my computer the scrren goes all black except for a little blue box that says:

***STOP:0X0000007B (0X00000002BF0) and more of that kinda stuff, then it says...If thisis the firt time you've sen this Stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps: Check for viruses on your computer. Remove any newly installed hard drives or hard drive controllers. Check your hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated. Run CHDSK to check for hard drive corruption, and then restart your computer.

Refer to your getting started manual for more information on trouble shooting stop errors.

But the problem is that i cant do any of this because my computer wont do anyhting besides go to this screen. I've tried starting it in safe mode and that hasn't worked, does anyone have any ideas?? Help please!!!




  1. You probably unplugged a drive or something, ask someone to open it and put everything back to normal.

  2. its an inaccess able hard drive might be virus but might also just be cabling, reseat the cables at both ends

    als run a smart test on the drive

    your hard drive manufacturer offers free hard drive testing software

    if all pass with flying colours then you'll know its a virus then just nuke and pave and your golden

    (info edit to fit)


    When you start your computer, you may receive one of the following error messages:• STOP: 0x0000007B (INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE  

    • Setup has encountered a fatal error that prevents it from continuing. Contact your product support representative for assistance. The following status will assist them in diagnosing the problem. program is running, you receive the second error message. troubleshooting steps at the end of the article. Boot-Sector Viruses

    Microsoft Knowledge Base:49500 List of Antivirus Software Vendors

    Note You may have to use more than one brand of virus-detection software to infected Internet-facing servers by following the guidelines that are published on the CERT (  and reinstall Windows XP Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    313348 ( How to in the

    122221 ( How to protect boot sector from viruses in Windows

  3. Information on your stop error:

    Try inserting your Windows CD and doing a recovery.

  4. try this

  5. Could be a problem with device drivers, hardware or software. This  problem can be solved by uninstalling new softwares, updating device drivers and making minor configuration changes . From . You can also run a free registry scan using utilities from

  6. its fugded reinstall windows

  7. The ***STOP:0X0000007B error can be anything. The above recommendations are exactly what the error is all about. Use a boot disc to eliminate all possible causes. You can use your windows installation disc to boot your computer.

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