
HELP!!! My daughter needs suggestions for her 18th and she's driving me crazy!

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My daughter has her 18th coming up this month and has no idea what to do for it. All of her friends are 17 or under, so the pub is out. We are in the depths of winter here in Australia, so we can't have a BBQ or swim in the pool. All the usual places like the zone, movies or bowling are so boring now, and it's gonna be pretty boring if it's just us oldies hanging around. Even the suggestion of just having the friends over to play music, pig out and run amok doesn't seem good enough. We need help, and fast!! Any suggestions please.




  1. You could just take them to the mall, and bid them bring as much money as they want, then just leave them, they're old enough to take care of themselves, paint-balling, because it gets really hot in hot weather, cinema, hire out a hall play loud music and let them destroy the hall, drive them to a park or wood and let them play, or just do tug-o-war, piniata etc in your local park!

  2. Hi there, why not try laser skirmish.

    It is really fun and great for all ages.

    Hope this helps.

  3. How many guests are you expecting? If it's a small party a murder mystery party would keep them all amused.

    Have an eight ball or table tennis calcutta followed by championship black jack or similar.

    There are so many simple games that previous generations played that the young ones of today don't realise are so much fun without computers, play stations etc.

    Actually mentioning playstations singstar goes off at parties too.


  4. Could they go away for the weekend? Up North where it is warm? Just stay in a rubbish backpackers for the night, very cheap? Put them all on a cheap hired bus and send them on a trip.

  5. My 18th is in less than two weeks and I only just got my idea sorted!

    Something that would be really cool would be to hire a bouncy castle and get everyone to dress up in weird costumes or have a dress-up theme like the 80s or something.

    Also, most of the other kids will be drinking so if you live in a suburban area then having a loud backyard party could lead to the cops coming round and busting you can either ask them to drink in moderation and keep the noise down or find a more low-key idea that will reduce the risk of coppers rockin up.

    Another sweet idea could be to have a las vegas theme where you can set up poker tables and what not.

    If you have a friend who lives out in woop-woop on a block of land then perhaps you could ask them to have the party on their land away from cops...that away your daughter can have as many people as she wants and not have to worry about noise complaints.

    Hope my ideas help :)

  6. It's an 18th not a 12th like half of the answers refer to.

    I was the youngest in my year at school so went to many many parties underage. Just have a party in the backyard, even in winter its still popular. Get one of those open fire cages things that you put wood logs in and let it burn all night.

    With a few drinks in your system you warm up quickly anyway.

    If you keep the kids outside and you being the parents inside for supervision it wont be a problem.

    Some of the best parties where when the entire school year was invited and we sat around the fire, toasted some marshmallows and had way too much to drink.

    You can advise the police that you're having a party so you won't have too many problems with noise. And let your neighbours know also.

  7. Make Them Do A Mall Scavenger Hunt. Each Team Gets A Camera Phone. Somebody Makes Out A List Of Stores And What Each Team has to do in them. They have to be different stores for each team. Who ever gets back to 1 spot first wins.  

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