
HELP! My friend is going to broke our relationship.?

by  |  earlier

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I called my friend Thursday morning to go to his house at 1 to 2 pm. We all agreed. And i was a bit late I went to his house at 2:20 and he wasn't home. And i was carrying a medium pizza with my right hand and a bag of 2 pops with my left hand. I bought the pizza at Domino's pizza store right before i went to his house. I rang his door bell 3 times but he still didn't answer. SO i decided to go to my other friend's house. My friend Kevin house to use his house phone to call my friend's cell. But he didn't pick up the phone.I called him so many times he still didn't pick up. So i stayed at Kevin's house for 3 hours then i left. When i went home I called him his cell again and he still didn't answer. Till Friday night I went to my cell phone account at fido site and i sign in with my account and i just realize he sent me at least 7 text messages. I didn't know he sent me all those messages, because i never pay my phone bill. Basically if you don't pay after 30 days you won't able to receive any text message. And also that i didn't carry my cell phone with me that day. I read the text msg he sent me and i was shocked. He sent me many messages saying to me to stop calling him and he has work at 12pm and stuff. I was totally shocked.One of the message says that he is gonna not be my friend again. And calling me i am annoy and stuff. It was all misunderstood. I never get any of those messages from him. And now i am trying to explain to him what happened but he won't listen to me. What should i do?




  1. Tell him hes a dumb ***.

  2. I think you should just wait until he is ready to talk to you and wants to listen to your side of the story because you trying to explain to him now is just making the situation worse. Just wait for him.. He will come round soon

  3. When he didn't answer the phone the first two times, you should have figured out that he wasn't able to chat and stopped calling. Calling over and over and OVER all night long makes you sound needy and, yes, annoying.

    Naturally, he's going to be annoyed with you.

    No, not receiving those text messages does not let you off the hook. "So many times" over a three hour period and then some more afterwards? That's not just needy and annoying, that's borderline creepy.

    Sure you're not stalking this fella?

    In any case, pestering him to let you explain why you had to call him over and over and OVER during a three hour period at Kevin's house and then EVEN MORE after you left also makes you sound needy and annoying.

    Back off. Let the guy breathe a little. Obey the restraining order, even.

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