
HELP! My hamster keeps biting on the bars for her cage!?

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Is it normal? She has two different things to keep her teeth down..




  1. It is OKAY if they chew on the bars of their cage, but it is best that they don't. Most of the time it means that they are bored or need something to chew on, rodents teeth are always growing, so they need something to gnaw on like gnawing logs or build n bite etc.which are all sold in pet stores. If you have something appropriate for her to chew on and she continues to chew on her bars, there is nothing you can do. Some people say you can put Vaseline on the bars, and they don't like the taste AND that it is not harmful, but I would do LOT'S of research before trying that. My hamster is always chewing on his plastic tubes, and he has gnawing logs and a build n bite. If you think you hamster may be bored, add a paper towel roll, they can chew and play with that. If you cage can be expanded, then you can buy extra tubes and lookouts for your hammy, these will keep her entertained.

    P.S They might also gnaw on the bars if they want out of their cage.

  2. yes, its very normal. it just means that she is bored.

  3. Don't worry :  ) this is tottally normal, i don't have bars on my cage, its plastic. but i see them do it at the petstore all the time. try not to let him eat the paint though even though a little won't hurt.

  4. the teeth are coming out so just like a human she is biting it to relieve the pain

  5. this is very normal and often very annoying!! its just boredom, try and get some more environmental enrichment in the cage like lots of fun tunnels and different shaped and textured things, it is the strongest thing the hamster has to wear down its teeth on so prob wont stop doin it but more fun things to do will distract the hamster!

  6. If your worried about the cage put duct tape on the scratched areas, as for the hammy um I'm not sure, you gave her wood toys try a different aproach to it, a variety of toys/ chewy thingers!

  7. yeah, my hamster does that, 2. she'll be fine ♡

  8. uh... Its natural. Make sure they dont do it tooo much. Could do something may even cause death.

  9. u need to let ur hamster out at least once a day or els they will get mean

  10. It is very normal for hamsters to gnaw on the cage bars. She is actually doing good to herself by gnawing on the cage bars so that her teeth don't grow long and cause problems.Hamster teeth keep growing throughout their lifetime and if they do not gnaw, long teeth can cause health problems to them.

    Hamsters can also gnaw on cage bars if they are bored or of they don't have much tunnels or space in the cage to move around. It is their answer to whiling away boredom.

    So you can check her cage to see if there is enough space and enough toys for her to play. I don't mean expensive toys from shops, things as simple as toilet roll tubes and toothpaste cartons with their flaps removed make interesting toys for your hamster.

    Hard dog biscuits can also be given to your hamster for biting, it might take her mind off the cage bars.

    One of my hamsters used to be a fan of this cage biting habit but after a few months of me ignoring his habit, he actually gave up on it and started with more interesting things like wood chew sticks. Maybe you might have to give your hamster too some time.

    Many pet shops sell stuff that you can apply on cage bars to put off hammies from biting the bars but I do not support those products since it is not a harmful thing that the hamster is doing by biting the cage bars.

    Also the paint is harmless since cages designed for hamsters are painted with a non toxic paint keeping in mind their passion for gnawing at cage bars.

    You can give your hamster the above options but if she is still adamant on biting her cage bars, leave her to her whims. It is not going to harm her, it will only do good for her teeth.

  11. My hamsters does this all the time its normal. =D

  12. Yeah, it won't harm her, but maybe providing her with wood blocks and chew toys for her to chew on might help. They have a natural urge to chew.

  13. biting his cage bars just means boredom try introducing new toys

  14. My hamster does it too, but usually only when she see's the cats. My friends hamster does it too. And yes, it is normal

  15. Don't worry, my hamster used to do that too. Try getting a cage without the bars and make sure she has plenty of chew toys. its perfectly normal.

  16. my hamster bites on his cage allll the time. it usually means he wants to come out in his ball, come out and run around, or he is just keeping his teeth down.

    hope i helped! =]

  17. It's fine! Many hamsters, gerbils, or guinea pigs don't chew on wood blocks you give them. They aren't positive /what/ they are.

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