
HELP! My horse is sick!?

by  |  earlier

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This morning i went to see my horse and he started to bring up cud but instead coughed out ALOT of clear liquid. He has done it around 3 times now and i don't know what to do. Is he in need of veternary assistance or can i do something, HELP!




  1. I agree that it is choke, and you should get your advice over the phone...with your vet.

  2. yeah get off your computer and call your vet horses can't throw up anything thatss why they colic!!!!

  3. Instead of wasting your time on the internet, you should be calling a vet.

    Most people on here are just giving their opinion on topics, and few have actual experience with horses.

    My advice is call a vet and ask him/her if you can do anything. If not, have him come out and take a look. If you cant get ahold of a vet, just make sure that he's breathing properly. He may just have something stuck in his airway. Dont panic, as the horse will sense that and it will only put him under more stress.

    Oh and horses aren't like cows, they dont bring up cud. Their esophagus is made only to take in food and water, not to spit it back up.

  4. Some horses get choke.  It is caused by eating too fast.   They can actually choke, so if he is doing this repeatedly, you should call the vet.

  5. Sometimes they cough & bring up the hay they've been eating .I am assuming this is what you mean by cud ?

    If the cough continues then definitetly call the vet. Better safe than sorry. Take his temperature if you can .The vet will want to know any way. Watch for a nasal discharge. Is this horse up to date on shots , around othr horses, been to a show with other horses lately ?  

    Call your vet. They won't charge you if you're worried about that. They can get you started on what you need to look for any way.

  6. Ello there love! Allice here! Pronounced  Aaaaaallllllllice. Ahaha! Poor horsey. He is better! Stupid people that say you need to call your vet are completely right, but that is ony if the horsey choking does not get better!

  7. You need to get off the computer and go call your vet- and do it NOW !! Your horse sounds as though he may be experiencing what's called "choke" in layman's terms- medically, it's a blockage of the esophagus, or the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach and GI tract. Choke can be life threatening if it is not treated promptly and correctly- I have known horses which have DIED that way, pal. The reason your horse appears to be vomiting is because his esophagus is blocked, and the hay or food he's been eating has nowhere to go once he tries to swallow it. That, combined with the pressure in his chest from the blockage, is what is making him cough a mix of the food and saliva back out through his nostrils or mouth.  This is serious- and your horse needs help. Call your vet, and while you are waiting for him or her to get there, take away all food and water from your horse so he doesn't keep trying to eat and make his problem worse. Move the horse into a stall or an area where he's out of the sun and away from other horses- this will help him relax, and may encourage the blockage to pass on its own. If it does not, your vet will pass a tube down your horse's throat and break it up, and then give the horse some pain killers and possibly some antibiotics as well, because your horse will be at risk of pneumonia and infection from breathing in the food he was trying to swallow. Your horse will recover from this, most horses generally do- but he needs prompt treatment to do this. Go call your vet, and good luck.

  8. HELP!  Your horse has an owner who is wasting time on YA instead of calling the vet with their concerns!

    When will people learn  that a phone call to the vet is FREE?

  9. all you do is give him vidanens

  10. okay you should get off the crappin computer and go call the vet cuz if your horse dies it is now on you

    (and also, horses dont have cud....)

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