
HELP! My puppy ate salmon and threw up!?

by  |  earlier

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The salmon was baked in an oven and was not the least bit raw. I left it on the table and he got to it. He's a 4.6 pound pomeranian that ate a BIG piece of fish. He basically didn't chew and swallowed it down since I was running towards him. (I went upstairs real quick)

He threw up an 1hr. 30 minutes later and I gave him ice chips to calm his stomach. I immediately called my vet and she said that giving him ice chips is right and to keep an eye on him until tomorrow. If he still is vommitting and such, she told me to bring him in.

He's sleeping now, but do you think he'll be alright? And do you think he threw up because he was bloated? The piece of fish was about the size of a palm. (He's small).




  1. salmon is very protein rich , I'm sure this is why it didn't agree w/ him. Just keep an eye on him & follow up w/ the vet tomorrow if needed.

  2. I'm sure it was just too much for him.  My boxer eats too fast all the time and sometimes will throw up a little.  It's not bad for him.  He was probably just too full.

  3. The salmon itself won't hurt him my vet said I could give it to my dog. He probably just got too much and since his system wasn't used to it the salmon can right back up. Little dogs don't usually get bloat. He probably will be just fine after his stomach settles down.

  4. I don't know about cases of dogs eating salmon my grandmas neighbor has a small dog too.He was fed ham or bologna and they almost lost him.your dog might be ok,and if something happens email me on yahoo.

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