
HELP!!! My rabbit is pulling her hair out!!!?

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My female rabbit has not long ago started pulling her hair out. She is about 11months old, or there abouts. It all started after I threw out a cushion that she had in her condo because she kept pulling out the feathers and stuffing from inside it and making a big mess, which I was really sick of cleaning up all the time. Not long after that, she started pulling her hair out I think around her tummy region, as it looks a little bald there.

Anyway, I thought that wasn't a good look either, so I put in one of those sea grass mats that you can buy from bunnings warehouse in Australia, I read somewhere that they are ok for bunnies to chew on. The reason why I put the mat in her condo is because I thought that she might be pulling her hair out because she was bored, as she no longer had the cushion in there to pull to bits.

Can anyone tell me if I am right, or if anyone else has had this same problem.




  1. She is having a false pregnancy since she is not spayed.

  2. When nest building, the female will sometimes pull out the males hair to build her nest with.

    Sometimes it can be a part of over grooming where one rabbit becomes so intently focused on cleaning the other that they end up developing bald patches.

  3. mabey shes too hot or she likes to destoy things give her another pillow and put like plastic under it and just pick it up and dump it out every time u clean her cage

  4. if she isnt prego, maybe she is in heat? you should get her spayed if you havent already that might be part of it




  6. well actually i had a similar problem with one of my rabbits ...she just kept chewein like her back and stuff like yanking her hair out ...i thought she had gone crazy but it turned out that she just had fleas

    But u should check to see if thats the problem or also another suggestion is that maybe that neww sea grass mat bothering her skin ...

    well best of luck ..hope u find out wats wrong ..=]

  7. She's probably nesting. My bunny did that before I got her spayed. You should get her spayed, they live much longer and have fewer health problems.

  8. lots of female bunnies have false pregnancies

    she is just making a nest for the "babies"

    she will get over the phase soon

    but if she keeps doing it, you might want to take her to a vet

  9. I'm not sure why she is pulling her hair out, but what I really want to let you know is that if she is swallowing too much hair, it is very bad for her. Rabbits can die from hairballs (not trying to scare you, the vet told me this) because they can't vomit like cats do. Instead, they can starve to death if the hair is taking up too much room in her belly. Get a furmanator (that might be spelled wrong, sorry) it is a special brush that gets about 10X the amount of hair off your rabbit that  a regular brush would.

    Another suggestion would be to get her one of those chew tubes... they are about as big around as a rabbit and are made for the rabbit to chew on. They also have safe fluffy stuff inside to help with the nesting idea.

    Good luck!

  10. just give her back her cushion. She wants it back!!!!!

  11. Try HARE restorer

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