
HELP! My son is driving my crazy!?

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ok so heres the deal my son is 5yrs old he is diagnosed ADHD and Anxiety disorder. Over the past cpl months his behavoir has gotten horrible its so bad i cant leave him alone with any other kids I have to be right there. He's so close to being kicked out of school its scarey. Just to name a few things he does on a daily basis.... He hits on his lil sister and brother sometimes leaving bruises, He hits on kids at school and destroys their property (ive had to buy a shirt for a lil girl cause he wrote in permanent marker on it and a pair of glasses for a little boy he stepped on) yesterday was the final straw he went after another kid at school with scissors (safety scissors of course theyre in kindergarden but scissors none the less). I just dont know what to do anymore he has a behavoir management specialist that goes to school with him counceling didnt work but i still think hes to young for meds. ive tried rewards and grounding him nothing works. any advice please im desperate




  1. This is just the beginning............ see if you can talk to your behavior management specialist and see about getting your child some inpatient behavior therapy.... if  your child is already at this age doing this kind of behavior then you need to be on top of it now before it gets any worse.. I have been through it all.. by experience I am telling you... talk to a psychiatrist and see if they can get your  son inpatient care...

  2. Is it possible to home school him until you are able to start meds?  That way he won't hurt anyone or be hurt.  Then when he does go to school maybe they can test him and he will jump a grade.  There is also herbal stuff he can take and diets for adhd that may help your doctor can tell you what he can take for his age.

    Good luck

  3. Whip his butt!

  4. I know its hard and u don't want to start meds.. But he is showing signs of hurtting others.. When will it be ok for meds?? When and if he put them in the hospital??? My son hasn't been tested but i was the same way about meds...he is 9 yrs old and we now testing him and i'm ready to say i needed meds along time ago.. please seek help and meds ... They just might help u and him... Goodluck and God Bless

  5. I would say get him involved in church, or sunday school groups.  One that teaches that God can see you all the time. Baptist preferable because they are strongest in doctrine.  At our church we had a little boy just like this, very dangerous, and now he is a wonderful little boy, he wants to be saved and please the lord all the time.  It will take a while, but meds may just put him in a weird mood, and not let him be himself.  At church they will teach him to respect others and himself, causing him to want to obey his parents, and respect those in authority.  Good luck to you, and we'll be praying for you.  Look for a local church and give them a call.  I'm sure they would love to help you and your family.

    no definately don't send him off somewhere.  He will think you are not there for him.  If you do that, things could be desasterous.  Who can he count on for support if he thinks you don't love him, and just send him off somewhere.  Good choice in not sending him off. He's only 5 there is still time to help him yourself. Pray for him please, who better to ask for help but the one who made him?

  6. First off all, take a deep breath.  I know it's hard my son was like this too.  I'm glad that you said sending him away is not an option.

    You can try to re-direct him when he gets out of control.  My son would cause trouble but when I gave him an idea of something to do he'd do it.  Not always for a long time though.  You're going to need to always redirect him until he learns to himself.  He's still very young and he is intelligent and that sometimes causes a lot of problems.  My son is very intelligent too.  Have you tired small rewards for good behaviour?  Little stickers ect.  NO CANDY!  lol  Start off at a month or so of daily treats.  Then go to three days and then to a week ect.  This might slowly help him understand how to control himself.  In the end that's what he needs to learn or he could get into real trouble as an adult.

    Just stick with whatever you try.  This is not a problem that will be solved over night or even within a month.

  7. Something obviously needs to be done before he hurts some one - whether a child at school or one of his other brothers or sisters!  He's so young and I'd hate for you to have to experience anything like that.  But I wouldn't put him on any medication because sometimes they may seem to help the problem but are actually hurting the problem, making things worse.  Use more rewards - "If the teacher gives me a good report today, we can get ice cream after school." After a while they should work better.  Whatever you do, just be patient with your son and continue to pray for him.  Don't give up on him!  Hope this helps and best wishes...

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