
HELP!!!!! My toe, i think is broken!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, well i tripped and my pinkie toe like tottally bent back. Now i can barely walk and school starts tommorow, i dont know what to do!!! can u please tell me, besides getting rushed to the hosptial?!!? Ice has been on all day, but its not helping, thanks you! Oh, and i am having to limp around so i need some help!!!




  1. if it is in fact sprained or broken you NEED to go to the hospital

  2. Sounds like you have done everything but go to the doctor, why don't you stay on Yahoo answers and not go to the doctors, sound like a great idea. It will heal on its own in due time and out of place, where when you decide to go to the hosipital they can rebreak it, or hey stay on the computer.

  3. I agree with Oogan. The most they will do at the doctor is strap your toe to the one next to it (Buddy taping) and then tell you to elevate and take an anti inflammatory. If walking extremely painful, then I say use crutches for a few days. Especially if you are unsure how much walking around at school you will need to to!

  4. ouch! unfortunately there isnt much the hospital or doctor can do for a broken toe.  if u wrap the toe (just during your school day) that may help with the pain, but if possible, I would reccomend crutches to take the pressure and weight off your foot/toe.  Also you should be taking anti-inflammatory meds every 4-6 hrs, advil or if nothing else, tylenol should take the edge off!

  5. if it is broken you can not bend it or move it. If ou can but is still in pain it my be fracture or sprianed if so go to the hospitall because you are to late to pull it out. If you did it in a hour or less take your toe and pull untill you hear something and it will be better. ut if it was more then an hour go to the clinic and the doctor will do it for you.!

    Edit krennao she is woundering what she should do don't get all snappy

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