
HELP NEEDED QUICKLY.. betta head scrapped?

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today i put neon tetras along with my betta, first betta was chasing them around, after 5 hours when i saw, my betta nead was scrapped. like white pale things can be seen and a small part of skin on his head is hanging out. i am not sure if tetras did it or if it was the decoration that scrapped his skin while chasing around. i have separated them now.

plz help. will he recover? how will he recover?? what should i do..

i dont want to loose him plz... :(




  1. It is most likely a wound from a decoration.  The best thing to do would be to keep the water warm and clean, as this will boost the fish's immune system, preventing secondary infection.  A bit of aquarium salt will allow the fish to produce more mucus, also preventing secondary infection, as well reduce the osmotic stress.  There is no need to medicate unless the wound becomes infected, so just do what you can to stay on top of the water quality and remove any potentially sharp or abbrasive decorations.

    EDIT: The scales will regrow in time, but your main concern should be keeping the water warm and clean so it doesn't get infected.  Bettas ARE Siamese Fighting Fish and they do fine with other fish (just not other Bettas or fish that look like Bettas) in most all cases.  They are more likely to get picked on than be the aggressor due to their long fins.

  2. i have no idea sorry but i looked up bettas and they look just like siamese fighters. if a siamese fighter is the same as a betta, then keep ur betta in a seperate tank because apparently they don't get on at all with other fishies!

  3. simply keep the water very clean and it will heal. also, if you can, keep the water in the low 80's, especially with a betta, this will keep the fish unstressed, which will help the fish fight diseases and heal. it will heal on its own faster than you would think possible!!

    i did this for my gourami who had more than half of her tail ripped off. i used no medicines and no salts etc. i didnt even seperate her into another tank! her tail has basically grown back in less than two weeks!! my ammonia and other measurements stayed at zero, and this probably helped.  and the extra care helped the other fish stay happy.

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