
HELP NOW!!! with this guy! right away?

by  |  earlier

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okay, i am in love with this guy alot. im in highschool. so like everyday in school i see him and we meet eyes walking down the halls in school and then he looks away really fast?? he is kinda popular and im normal, and i was wonderin if he likes me or what? he also leaded a girl on last year. do you think he is leading me on. also when he looks at me its with a sad face. every time. why does he do that. HELP ME NOW. right away. i like detailed answers. 10 pts. THANKS SO MUCH!!




  1. well hes definitely interested. He is leading you on. Also he probably looks at you with a sad face as a signal, like "come talk to me"  I think you should go for it he wouldn't be doing all of that for no reason.  The same thing happened to me so go for it girl!  

  2. ummm, if he led a girl on last year, it's always possible he could do it to you, or anyone else, but for the time being just try to get to no the guy, you never no wat he'll do, and by talking to him, you might get to know why he's actin this way, anyways, just try to sort out your feelins for this guy, and go ffrom there... i hope this helps u, good luck


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