
HELP! Name three fuels that can be used in a power station?

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It's for a h/w... and i did it all, but i need to answer that question... i wanna get 100%




  1. Natural Gas, Oil, Coal, Wood, Uranium, Trash/waste, Methane Gas,

  2. Hydrogen, Electricity, and solar power? idk about solar power. But defiantly the first two.

  3. 1. Natural Gas

    2. Coal

    3. Biomass

    The question seems to presuppose that there is a fuel that is consumed, which makes it hard to explain tidal, hydro, geothermal, solar, wind.

  4. Is this for a home source of energy for powering your AFV, or in general for electric power generation?

    is a good place to start for sources of electric power generation.  Hint:  there are more than 3 available!  Off the top of my head: oil, LNG, coal, nuclear, solar, wind, geothermal, tidal, hydroelectric, biomass...

    for AFVs, off the top of my head, not including the basic gasoline and diesel fuel, there's biodiesel and WVO, LPG, CNG, electric, fuel cell (hydrogen), and some combination of the above...  For electric, you have several sources - whatever your area electric company uses, or a home generator (which could be any of the same sources of electric power generation)...

  5. Coal, Natural Gas, Hydrogen, and biomass.  You can also use nuclear fuels and water to power hydroelectric plants.

  6. There are several:



    Methane (natural gas) - natural gas is often collected from trash dumpsites or from the manuer waste at large animal facilities such as large hog farms

    Hydrogen (used in fuel-cells) - hydrogen is sometimes collected as a by-product from the chemical processes at certain chemical plants.  A few plants use the by-product hydrogen in fuel cells to power their plants with electricity.

    Trash  - Some cities burn their trash at special power stations to generate power.  It's part of the four R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover).  Burning trash to generate power falls under Recover.

    The following can be debated as to whether they are truly fuels:

    Hydro-power (falling water)


    Solar energy

  7. You mean like a power plant?!?

    Well... you can get electricity from Coal, Water (hydro-electric), and Wind.  There is also nuclear power, but i'm not real educated on how that works.

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