
HELP!!! Nobody answers but I NEED input???

by  |  earlier

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  1. you act like this is a matter of life and death. its no big deal.

  2. Maybe a 7, not bad.

  3. Beauty is skin deep and ugly is to the bone.

  4. I answered that question for you.

  5. Shes not ugly i wud give 6/7 out of 10, but im sure u dnt look exactly like her! So i really wudnt worry bout it.

  6. shes pretty ugly, not awful but not beautiful. id say 5.

  7. umm ugly like 3

  8. I don't think she's that pretty but she has potential to be. Her hair drags out her face and you can see the cellulite in her cheeks which is a little gross, don't feel bad, I would be pissed if someone told me i looked like her too.

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