

by  |  earlier

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we have two cats and two hamsters

both our cats have digestion problems and one will pee on stuff when she gets mad at us

I luv our house and most ppl dnt even think about it being dirty but I NO that the cats have puked and peed all over it, the carpet in the basement (my room ofcorse) is gross even tho its brand new because the basement has been flooded and also the cats puke on it the most cuz their litter boxes are down there and ALSO wen dotty pees on stuff if mostly MY clothes because I leave them laying on the ground! NO MATTER WHAT WE DO ITS STILL GROSS! AND JUST NOW WHEN I WAS CLEANING THE HAMSTERS CAGE SHE WAS IN HER BALL AND SHE PEED IN IT! somewhere on the floor idk ON MY FLOOR, my mom says if we move we cant have any pets but I just cant live without them! MY LAST STRING HAS SNAPPED!!!!! i cant live in this pigstye! now dnt think i house isnt nice! it is! thats the probelm that y i dnt want to move but no matter wat cleaning we do it will always be gross! I JUST WANT TO LIKE GO LIVE IN A BOX ITD BE CLEANER THAN THIS! i dnt no what to do




  1. well.. i knw it may be hard.. but keep your clothes hung up for sure.. and if they are dirty but a hamper thats on wheels or somehting with a lid so your cat wont pee at least on your clothes..

    about the cat peeing everywhere i wouldnt know what to say but i knw they ahve these 'pad'=like things yuo can set on the floor and yuor animal will more chance pee/puke on that..

    (my friends dog got use to those and her dog was bad at peeing too..!)

    but if yuo do move, try and get another cat or somehitng and taht will help with the kitty problem..

    and about the carpet..

    just get a shampooer...

    my mom has one cuz we ahev dogs and stuff and the carpet shampooer works great.!

    but animals will be animakls.


    good luck

  2. Are you sure your cats dont have a Urinary Tract Infection?  I have found two things that work well when cleaning up animal is Vinegar and the other is "See Spot Go".  You can find it at pet stores.  I use my carpet shampooer too.  It helps alot.  I put vinegar in it instead of the carpet shampoo and it works great.  Ive rescued TONS of animals and you cannot even tell in my house.  I have wall to wall carpet and it is very clean.  This should help you keep things cleaner. It is true as the other poster said- animals will be animals.

  3. Calm down.. First off, while cat pee and puke is gross, it washes up and you can use an enzyme cleaner like Nature's Miracle. Get the carpets steam cleaned yearly. When you're shopping for your next house, try for one with less carpeting and more tile, hardwood and vinyl..  I don't have any carpeting, I just use area rugs over tiled and wood floor areas..

    Frankly, carpet is dirty even without pets. If you walk on it barefooted, you spread all kinds of bacteria and foot funk on it on a daily basis. It provides  a great spot for mold and dust mites.

    Carpet in a basement is asking for trouble in the form of mold due to higher humidity in the basement. If it's really that gross where you can't stand it, you could always pull the carpet up and just paint the concrete and use an area rug till you can upgrade to better flooring.

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