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My friends just bought a dog out of rebellion y i don't know and now they don't want the dog not because they don't like it but they dog will not have a place to the problem is she brought the dog from the pet company in a mall she said she signed the receipts and filled out and application and that was it the dog is still at the mall cause they are keeping the puppy for 4 days to make sure that the animal is healthy and eating correctly...she said she called the place to see if she can cancel the purchase before the payments for the dog start to be billed and the manager said no...what is she to do please help because i am stressing out for her




  1. NEVER NEVER NEVER buy from pet stores

    NEVER buy an animal "on credit"

    she should call her credit card company or check company and cancell the payment

    Pet stores are the WORST place to buy pet from - as you can see the store only cares about money - NOT your friend or the pup (why sell a pup to somebody who now does not want it?)

    she could call the local news and if they have an Ombudsman they will do a story on the store again and again.. call them yourself and make a stink  - this store is unethical.. tell them you will spread this story around..

    a good store would allow your friend to back down..

  2. Yes she can cancel the dog and the payments.

    She is by no means obligated to purchase the pooch.  These are puppy mills and against the law.  Take them to the attorney general, actually, forget that, they do nothing, go to the magistrate.  She DOESE NOT have to pay for the dog.  However if she special ordered the dog she may have to pay the deposit, what ever was specified in her contract.

    If she does, make up a story the dog is defective and demand her money back.  Puppy mills are often sued becuse of this.  Either way, she gets her money and her life back.

    Sorry, the inbread pup can find a home elsewhere where it may be better cared for.

  3. Give the dog to a local animal rescue where they can treat him

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