
HELP PLEASE!!!! I need your help...?

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Can you rate my Yu-Gi-Oh Deck. What would you rate this deck from a scale of 1-10? If it's bad, then can you give me some suggestions.

Alpha the Magnet Warrior

Beta the Magnet Warrior

Gamma the Magnet Warrior

Jack's Knight

Queen's Knight

Summoned Skull

Vorse Raider


Cure Mermaid

Cyber Jar


Des Volstgalph

Holy Knight Ishzark

Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4

Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6

Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8


King's Knight

Magician of Faith


Mask of Darkness

Obnoxious Celtic Guardian

Reflect Bounder

Slate Warrior

The Creator

Tyrant Dragon

Valkyrion the Magna Warrior

Cost Down

Dark Hole

Fairy Meteor Crush

Heavy Storm

Mage Power


Mystical Space Typhoon

Mystic Wok

Pot of Avarice

Pot of Greed

Premature Burial



United We Stand

Call of the Haunted

Divine Wrath

Magic Cylinder

Magic Jammer

Negate Attack

Sakuretsu Armor

Seven Tools of the Bandit

Ultimate Offering





  1. since ur using valkyrion, throw in card of safe return

    this lets u draw every time u break him apart

    "magician of faith", "pot of greed", "dark hole" etc are forbidden cards (unless ur playing traditional)

    if ur playing traditional, then add "monster reborn" and "snatch steal" (hopefully "bad reaction to simochi")

    if ur not playing traditional, then take out the forbidden cards

  2. BEcause you answered mine -

    i would give it a 5/10 sorry.

    you need more copies of Horus, and make your deck a bit more focused. if you want to control spells and traps and monster effect, maybe put in some jinzo's and Plasma's

    i need your reflect bounder!

  3. It's hard to really judge your deck because of the way it is organized. From what I can tell, you have too many low-level tribute monsters, and not enough high level ones! Also, you need some more effect monsters. It seems you want a warrior-dragon type them deck; a good LV warrior is mystic swordsman, he would go well with horus.

    If you want this to be a tournament legal deck, you should check the forbidden/semi-limited/limited card list.

    Also, you need more of the essential trap and spell cards.

    Lastly, try to get the ratio of your deck wth monsters:spells:traps to be about 2:1:1.

    Hope I helped!

  4. its ok 5/10

  5. i dont know

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