
$~~~HELP! PLEASE! NOW! Roadtrip boredom...~~~$?

by  |  earlier

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Okay. So i'm a thirteen yr. old girl (using my dad's account lol) and i am going on a 13 hr. trip from North Carolina to Venice Florida. (Don't question the length, i've done it twice before.) I have a very slow laptop, but i will have no internet access. I have a nintendo ds. I have a portable dvd player. I have an ipod. I have a cd player. I am an only child, so i won't really have anyone else to do stuff w/. Any suggestions of games or boredom breakers or anything besides all the things i listed? (And besides sleeping, too!)

Please no lame games...






  1. At Wal-Mart they have all of those small hand held games. They have mini Monopoly, Life, and games like that (that are electronic so you can play with the computer, or maybe you can get your mom to play and you both can pass it back and forth). Also try





    -do the alphabet game (where you take the abc's and find a billboard with a word starting with that letter)

    -I spy

    -20 questions

    -get some Mad Libs form the book store fill them out then read them back to your parents, or have them pick the nouns, verbs, ect. then you read it back to see how funny it sounds

    Thats all I can think of, hope it helps some!! I feel ya though when I was your age my parents use to take us on a 10 hour drive to see grandparents. We did not have dvd players or i pods then :( Hope its not too bad!!!!

  2. If you have all those electronic toys and still can't think of anything to do, then you are just plain lazy and you shouldn't expect other people to find ways to keep you from being bored.

  3. Read a book. I recommend "On The Road" by Jack Kerouac. Seriously, It could change your life.  

  4. how about reading a book  

  5. Um, You could write in a journal i guess. If that peaks your interest.

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