
HELP PLEASE. Problems with a boy.?

by  |  earlier

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Alright, about a year ago, my boyfriend got punched in the face by one of my ex's named Danny and I was there to witness it all happen. This event changed my boyfriends life seeming that he had to get full facial reconstructive surgrey. Last week my boyfriend and I were fighting and arguing and things were getting heated. He called me some names and to get even I said, "I'll call up Danny and have him kick your *** again!!" I know it would hit him deep, and it did. I didn't even mean the things I said at all and I was talking out of my *** at the time.

He immediately broke up with me, I moved out, and now he says he won't get back with me until I see his pain and how bad what I said effected him. When he got punched it changed his whole perspective on his life, and now since I said that he feels like all of his thoughts are being beaten by an egg beater. With me saying this, he has endless crazy thoughts and his heart is crushed and confused. He wants me to hurt as bad as him, but he won't be with me until I see where he is coming from. He said he will get back with me when he sees it in my soul where he is coming from, just by the way I act.

I NEED TO KNOW what to do next to win him back. I LOVE this man and I have to be with him again!

HELP, please don't be rude!




  1. I think that the two of you should make an appointment with a counselor who can facilitate a conversation to help you both share your feelings and understand each other better.  It sounds like you both care a lot about each other, so the cost and commitment would be a great investment in your future.  good luck!

  2. Move on

  3. You said something to your boy friend that is a low comment. That would hurt him a whole lot. You need to remember that your ex put him thru a life changing situation so when you tell him these things it would hurt. You need to give him his space. If you love him write him a letter expressing your love for him and how sorry you are.

  4. You f*cked up big time. I don't mean to be rude, but if you were my partner and you said that then the relationship would be over and there would be nothing you could say to fix it. Having your butt kicked by another guy is probably one of the most humiliating things a guy can go through. Your ex loved you, and in a moment of weakness you deliberately exploited what you knew was an emotional hot-spot. You've lost him, you have no other option than to put it behind you, move on and never, ever do that to a guy again. Hopefully he'll be able to move past the pain you and your ex have put him through and find someone he can trust again.

    UPDATE: What, and you think your follow-up comment makes a difference? If anything it shows just how unhealthy the relationship was. Move on already!

  5. that was a very bad thing to say to someone, yeah i have said some very hurtfull things to my husband and you do try to always have the last word but you really need to sit down and put your words into his view what if that happend to you one of his ex's did that and you had to go though all the things he did just put yourself in his shose take the most awful thing that happend to you and remember how that made you feel sweetie this is something that you need to fig out on your own not by other people that have no clue for what happend to him.. I kinda know my husband was in a car crash and had hafe his face removed by the road and i got the call to come to the crash to help him he had no clue hafe his face was gone... you need to really put yourself there hun best of luck i hope you can fix the relationship just remember what you felt like when that happend................

  6. I dunno It sounds complicated... Try to cry! Guys give in when girls cry spill all your feelings and then cry! Good luck

  7. You're way too immature, manipulative and hurtful to be involved in a relationship. Hope this helps.

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