
HELP PLEASE turns en pointe?

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I am having a hard time staying balanced so I fall from my turns [ piroette turns ] any tips on pointe turns or on balance thanks =^..^=




  1. i used to! make sure that right after you push off with your back foot it doesnt lollygag in the air. make sure it pulls in tight. also dont go up on a bent knee. hope this helps!!!

  2. Well, it could be alot of things. your shoulders may be going up when you turn your arms could be too high wich make your shoulders go up. using your turnout (butt) muscles. it could also be your spot is not clear enough. i hope this helps


  3. when your practicing balance either touch your nose or stare at something that is still. seriously it works. i learned this in freshman P.E! good luck

  4. close your eyes in relive that helps with balance =^..^=

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