
HELP PLEASEE!!! nematoda (roundworms)?

by  |  earlier

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what is their importance and the role it plays in the food chain?

website that actually has the answer :) if you're gonna recommend one.

omg i have so much homework :|

before people complain, i have already searched and searched for answers.





    well i can answer ur question but i didn't understand what u meant

  2. Nematodes are parasites, very successful parasites. Practically every plant and animal species has at least one nematode parasite. Humans have pinworms.

    If you think humans rule the world, think again. Bwaaaaaa

    Here is an educational site for namatodes, in simple language.

  3. Complain*

    . I'm like 22 and when I had school stuff we had to read stupid text books and read through the whole useless bunch of info for what you needed for the answers you can't even do a  google search? You can't have looked very hard.

    Nematoma + prey or  Nematoma + foodchain effects?????

    Depending on the species, a nematode may be beneficial or detrimental to plant health.

    this was on wiki ffs

    From an agricultural perspective, there are two categories of nematode: predatory ones, which will kill garden pests like cutworms, and pest nematodes, like the root-knot nematode, which attack plants.

    Predatory nematodes can be bred by soaking a specific recipe of leaves and other detritus in water, in a dark, cool place, and can even be purchased as an organic form of pest control.

    Rotations of plants with nematode resistant species or varieties is one means of managing parasitic nematode infestations.

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