
HELP PLEASSSEE! i'm very worried...?

by  |  earlier

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okay my brother has a 'tiger oscar fish' and he recently moved out for colloge and left the fish here for me to take care of...and i'm supposed to feed him 2-3 times a day. And i do, but ever since my brother has been gone, the fish is ALWAYS begging for food. ie; if i walk in the room, he like swims in the same direction with his mouth open, and he sometimes eats rocks...i don't know what to he sick? seperation anxiety? anbody know?





  1. fish will stuff themselves until they die... tiger oscars included...    these fish have huge appetites.   the cool thing about them is that they recognize their owners, and they know who feeds them, so it might be confused as to why someone else is feeding it, but it will get over it and recognize you soon.   DO NOT over feed your fish. no matter how hungry it seems.  also these are very interactive fish and like to simply watch what is going on around him. dont worry! your brothers oscar s fine.   by the way, just a warning, these fish get HUGE and are aery aggressive with other fish.  when it gets large enough or if it is large enough, i will eat any other fish.   but keep this in mind.

  2. She/he is probably missing your brother so that's probably why.  Hope it will stay alive.  =)

  3. Fish have small brains so they don't always remember they just ate.  I have an Oscar and he sometimes will eat rocks and spit them out. There is NOTHING to worry about just keep feeding him only a couple times a day, if you feed him too much he will get sick though.

  4. Oscars are a very good pet meaning they learn to recognize their owner and will swim to the front of the tank to greet them. They also know that a human approaching normally means food so that would account for the begging. Next how much and what do you feed him and how big is he you may not be feeding enough. The rocks im not so sure about that i have never seen my oscar do that.

  5. still only feed him twice a day. Are you feeding him pellets. they are not hungry they are just happy to see someone in the room. Oscars are a very social fish they like to see people. keep them on your feeding schedule and they will be fine. I love oscars you can actually teach them to ring a bell when they are hungry. good luck with your fish. they are not eating the rocks they are just redecorating their house. they do spit them out mine did that all the time.

  6. He's fine.  Fish have very short attention spans and will beg for food constantly.  It doesn't mean you should feed him though.  I'm sure he spits the rocks right back out that he's picking up.  My goldfish do this all the time and constantly beg for food when i walk past.  I've had them for almost a year so they obviously haven't starved to death!

  7. Hes not hungry. And its not seperation anxiety. my little brothers turtle does that. your brother had that fish for a really long time. but now that hes gone and YOUR the one feeding it, its not use to what you look like. It's in a diffrent inviroment. so its still getting use to it. And the fish is just interested on who that new person is in this weird place. Just keep feeding it the same as your brother did and you'll be fine. it just needs to adjust.

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