
HELP!! Please!!?

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Okay here's the deal... I'm on the dance team at my old school, and i love it, it's my LIFE!!! The only problem is that my school {A Clayton County Public School} is losing its accreditation, and the new school i'm goin to is out of the district!!! There's no way i can attend an unaccredited high school, so my plans were to be home schooled {I only have 2 more years anyways}... This whole dancing thing is really important to me and i don't think i should have to throw it all away because SACS wants to be stupid and take away our accreditation! It's not fair to me, especially when i paid money to be on the team... I think i need a sports voucher, so i can still attend my new school and play sports at my old one. Can somebody tell me a little more about those things and where i can find them? PLEASE HELP ME ITZ URGENT! THANKS!




  1. Try writing to the superintendant in your new school district or the assistant superintendant. They have a lot of power and may decide that you are sincere. They may be able to respond and help you out in some way.

  2. Life is full of tough choices, welcome to real life.

    I would suggest you talk with the counselors in BOTH school to see what they can do.  I don't know if they allow cross entrances but it's worth a try.  

    Go talk to the counselors ASAP and possibly your parents to see what they can do.  Maybe they'll be willing to relocate for you.
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