
HELP!!!! Please.....?

by Guest64559  |  earlier

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I was giving my Savannah Monitor a bath in the sink and she was sitting on my hand when suddenly as I was letting out the water she darted to the other side of the sink and I closed the drain hole on the very tip of her tail..... I quickly opened it up again but a small flap of skin on her tail was cut open.... what can I do for her??? I feel horid!!! She is my baby and this has NEVER happened b-4 and she gets bath every day... I am not taking her to the vet so dont even say that!!!




  1. Most types of lizards regrow they're tails. They are not half as beautiful as before, buy they do regrow, in the mean time google lizards that regrow there tails and see what else you can find

  2. neo sporing without pain relive

  3. lizards are actually fast healers. just leave her alone dont handle her just leave her in her cage with lots of calcium.

  4. if you think she well be way hurt, put flour on it, it will stop the bleeding. she will be fine though
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