
HELP!! Please read. Do you think Im making the right decision.?

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A while back I posted a question about my dog who dislocated his hip. I have come to the decision to put my beloved dog to sleep, as I found he isn't the same happy dog he was before he hurt his hip. My vet can give the dog 4 injections which may help ease the pain, or may not do anything as it varies with each dog, he would then need surgery if that doesn't help and probably been on mild painkillers for the rest of his life. The vet has told me, my dog will have a constant discomfort and dull pain and will no doubt develop arthritis in his later years. However my dog still enjoys going for walks and playing with the ball even though he has trouble doing it. Do you think I'm making the right decision to end his life painlessly or let him continue living.




  1. no you shouldn't do that.  he is obviously doing ok, considering you said he still plays and goes for walks.

    would you want someone to tell the doctors to kill you just because you would have to take painkillers the rest of your life?

    i can understand if he doesn't move at all, and doesn't do anything, but he does!  give him a chance at life.

    EDIT:  ok would you rather be doped up for the rest of your life or die?  

    at least let him live and experience new things.  i understand it can get expensive, but you never know, things could get better for him!

  2. i think that you should try to let it live for a little time and see how does it go with the hip!then if you and your family believe that your familly cant afford it would be better to give him to another family that can afford it and you ll know that they will take care of it!But if you ll see that the dog cant stand the pain then you should sleep him forever!

    But be sure that your heart will take the decision!!

  3. if you love him let him go

    rember as hard as it is to let him go it may be even harder to let him hurt

    but im sure you can make the right decsion on your own

  4. If I were you, I would let the dog live. I can't BEAR to let him go knowing the fact that he still has many years to live, albeit with some pain.

    I'm actually tearing up right now because I have a puppy I love to pieces.

    Well if you do decide to put him to sleep (I will also support this endeavor because I don't want the dog to stay in pain) remember to hold him right before. You'll regret it forever if you don't.

  5. "in a few years he has arthritis and cant walk at all"

    A few years in dog years is alot.  Why end his life now?  He still enjoys he and loves being alive.  Dont do this for you, and that it makes you sad to see him in a few years like that.

    Think of your dog.  He obviously wants to live, why should his life be taken away when hes still active and happy with his life, considering his condition.

    If its really too hard for you to see him suffer, give him away.  Thats honestly the best you could do for him, even if its just the pound.

    Life is an amazing gift, nobody should be able to decide to take another's life when they want to continue to live.

  6. WHAT!?

    Ok i don't mean to be rude....

    But is was an accident he got injured.

    So you will put him to sleep for it???

    What if you where in a car crash broke your leg.

    it messed up a nerve and now you will need pain killers for the rest of your life.

    but they decide to just kill you.

    sounds crazy huh!?

    If it was a constant disease that witch puts him in agony and he cant move then yes.

    BUT it is an injury.

    he walks and plays that just tells you something right!

    How old is he BTW?

    I honestly think this is more money wise...

    if you cant afford it find someone that will.

    don't kill the dog for it.

    EDIT: i understand but i just don't think i would cut his life short now if he can still walk and play. i say make his last years the best. be extra caring,extra treats,more walks let him live the rest of his years to the fullest. and then when the time comes when he cant walk and such then its time to let go BUT not now.


    To Dances with wolfs......I added to your question just to let you know.

  7. Some people are really freaking out about your question lol.

    Dogs are really great at working through pain and discomfort because that is what they would have to do in the wild. If your dog is showing his/her pain, then it could be really hurting. My dog tore a muscle once and I could tell she was limping but she wasn't showing pain and it wasn't affecting her daily life. So as long as its doing it's normal stuff and not whining about pain, it could live with the pain for quite a bit longer.

  8. you care about your friend very much, i can tell.

    you know what your friend is saying. he has already showed you he isn't the same happy dog.

    i had to put my friend to sleep because she had cancer and it was invasive. she was suffering. i could never let her suffer. even thou she was healthy in one way, but she was snapping at everyone and started to have seizures. it was her way of telling me it was time to go to doggy heaven. listen to your friend. he will let you know his wishes.

  9. it sounds like you are more concerned about paying the 42.50 then the dogs happiness he wants to live and no animals cope better with pain then we humans if you can not afford his medication then give him up to a rescue and let him be re-homed but dont just put him down where's the fairness in that

    sorry not to be rude or anything

  10. I think you should allow him to live. He's still enjoying life even with the pain.

    I have a bad knee at 21 yrs old. My high heels broke on me going down cement steps a couple years back and I landed on it with all my weght. it hurts every single day. But I still enjoy life and some days I'm too happy to even notice it hurting.

    Do what you can for your dog. If at some point he stops enjoying his life, Id' consider it


    No, you wouldn't be selfish. I would do what the vet suggested (or even get a 2nd opinion) and if in the end that doesn't seem to help, make a descion from there.

    not to be rude, but I'd rather enjoy the time I had left to live (say I knew I would die in 2 yrs) than kill myself because I knew I was going to die in 2 yrs time. We all die at some point.

    This is sounding like money, if you can't afford the procedure, tell your vet and see if they can do something else for you. No reason to beat around the bush!

  11. If he still enjoys walks and plays with his ball,them he is still enjoying life.Why not try a glucosamine/chondroitin supplement and an anti - inflammatory for pain? Let him rest when his leg is bothering him and let him lay when he's feeling well.It isn't as though he has cancer or something.As long as he still has fun and eats,let him live! The surgery may help him.I had a GSD who was hit by a car at age 5 months.His hip was dislocated and it would not stay in place,so he had to have surgery.It was a while before he would walk on it,but he did recover and lived to be nearly 14.He did develop some arthritis,but most older dogs do.You just give them pain medication,like you would take for yourself.You wouldn't put your grandma to sleep because she had arthritis,would you?

  12. There will come a time where you will have to make the decision whether to put him down or not but I think, now is not that time. The dog is showing a lot of will and desire to live so why make the decision now?

    As the saying goes, cross the bridge when you get there. As it is, you are still miles away.  

  13. I understand exactly where your coming from.  My dog was put down earlier this year due to medical problems.  My vet was certain that the medication would help and it did for a short time, but every week I was taking her back to the vet, and I knew I would have to put her down, but I couldn't do it until I knew I had to.  I didn't want to do it, it will always hurt me that I ended up putting her down.  I know that my dog was suffering alot.  She got to the point where she couldn't even get out of the bed.  I had to hold her, and that night, I knew I had to do it.

    But I had to wait and make sure that there was not going to be an improvement.  Money wasn't an issue,  for me it was how much pain is my baby in.  She had no quality of life, unless she was given alot of medication which made her like a vegtable.  I did the right thing, and I know this is hard for you to do.  But only you know what your dog is going through, and if it's suffering.  You need to make that decision on your own.  We all may have something to offer you, but all I can say is

    be certain.  

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