
HELP!! Preschool gym activities~?

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My sister teaches preschool for a low-budget program and does not have a lot of resources. She's looking for some gym activities that don't require much, if any, equipment, and that are easily manageable with a large group of 20 or more students. (ie classroom discipline will not get completely out of hand!:) I'm an ed major myself and I did a PE rotation where we played some neat games with the kids...but I don't remember the exact details of they way they were played. ANY ideas you have would be VERY helpful to my sister and I will pass them along.. THANKS!~~




  1. I am a dance teacher so I think that I might be able to help you out a little.

    Bend and Stretch

    Jumping Jacks

    Bean Bags-Good For Passing Around In A Circle and or Balancing

    Balancing Across The Floor

    Simon Says



    Freeze Dance

    Frog Jumps

    If you have a tumbling mat

    Pencil Rolls

    Jumping Over Puddles

    Forward Rolls

    Crab Walks

    Bridges and or Tables

    I hope that I helped you out.

  2. the children in my pre-k classroom love it when i tell them it is exercise time, we do simple exercises, from stretches, to jump n' jacks, jogging in place, etc.  Children's yoga is also a wonderful relaxation and stretching, they have a lot of great tapes, and cds, that dont require much equip. if you have a large parachute, there is a little game called 3 little pigs, you choose some kids to be wolves, stand outside and pigs under parachute. have the wolves say "little pigs little pigs let me in" the pigs reply "not by the hair of my chinny chin chin."  the wolves then say " i will huff and puff and blow your house in." as the wolves say this you shake the parachute and then lift it off the pigs, the pigs then go running until the wolf has caught all the pigs, when the pig is caught they must go back to the parachute.

  3. ummmmm.........well.............tag or holiday games or even some like playing catch or something!?!?!

  4. Kids this age need experiences using their gross motor abilities. Think of open ended activities where kids can run, jump, climb, and be LOUD. They need an opportunity to do this sometime during the day.

    Ribbons are good, that they can run with and watch them flow. Water and Sand in containers (if they can't use this any other time), huge long pieces of lumber, and risers they can work together with to build and carry around (these don't have to be expensive, make them yourself or enlist a parent's help).

    I can't think of any more right now. But your sister should have the book "Developmentally Appropriate Practice" which is put out by NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) which lists what children need in the area of Gross motor activities.

  5. has she tryed red light green light, or red rover. My son loved playing the games in preschool and they don't take any thing to play. hope that it helps.


  7. Try doing an obstacle course with chairs, hoops, bean bags etc. with all the kids or in rotation for a certain amount of time. Blow a whistle and then they can change to the next "station." Try also getting the children to copy the teacher by doing jumping jacks, hopping, skipping etc. which can also be used using a whistle to change over. Simon Says is also a good way but try it with jumping jacks etc. so that it is a gym activity.

    Help i've helped you in any way! GOOD LUCK!!

  8. red rover red rover is a good game. simon says and duck duck goose are fun for them too. another good activity that gets them moving and is easy is ring around the rosy. my teacher used to have us play heads up 7 up as a PE type of thing too.

  9. do like a duck duck goose game.

  10. Put on some kids music, and just dance with them - or do simple exercises. Ring around the rosie, head-shoulders-knees-and-toes. Do the stretches, the jumps, the sit down-stand up exercises, maybe even have them line up and march with the music.

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