
HELP S.O.S We just broke up..........What now??? 10pts?

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my girlfriend and i worked together for 7 months side by side before we quit our jobs and started our relationship. 5 months into our relationship she broke up with me today.

why? well i dont know. she called me over every night to her place we went to dinner all the time and we enjoyed each other. she called me all the time textes all the time and all of a sudden she asked for a break. Some "Alone Time" so i said ok...

she said i love you and i dont want us to get sick of each other, im not breaking up with you its just i get only a few hrs to my self afterwork and i would like to get some things done. Which is understandable guys.

then she asked me out to dinner, and cancelled 5 times on me. kept saying she is tired and we will go tomorrow. after the fifth time i asked her whats up. she said im not giving her space. so i said alright i wont bother you. the next day she textes me and starts talking so i was confused.

i text her the next night and asked her how she is doing and she said she had a headache and she is a month late on her period.she took 3 tests and all were neg. so i said we need to talk and i will call you in a min. she told me 'Nah ill call you before bed" and she never did.

the next mornin i texted her and said we need to talk, she then says "YEAH lets talk about how im not your girlfriend" im shocked a lil bit

then all day we argued back and forth and she was saying she doesnt love me anymore and she doesnt see me like in a sexual way "which we have had s*x like 70 times in that 5 month relationship. but she even went as far to say she had to get drunk the last time we had s*x which is sad when she called me at 11pm to come over even though she had to wakeup at 4am for work. "why would she do that if she was repulsed by me."

but she will not give me a reason at all why she is acting this way except that, my personality sucks and she isnt attached to me anymore. which as far as personality goes we were side by side for 7 months at our job and thats what she loved about me so its not making since.

she said there isnt even another guy she likes or is seeing. she even said i could ask her friends or she does work 7 days a week and has only a few hours a night free. i just dont get how someone can say they love you one day and hate you the next. she was making up baby names,wedding plans, discussing us living together,telling me she loves it when i stay over and it all changed and i dont know why.we didnt fight or anything.

im kind of lost now i dont understand what went wrong. im thinking she got bored of me but you cant only intertain someone so long if they only wat to watch movies at home and go to dinner. by the time she getts off work at 8 everything is closed besides dinner and a movie so working all 7 days we were foced to rent mvies and get dinner all the time but, its not my fault i tryed to take her to new places but being in AZ its 115+ degrees outside so indoor stuff like ice skating, movies,skating,malls but she didnt want to cuz it would only be for a hr cuz time wise after she got off work.

what do you guys think? what should i do Next?




  1. awww dude all i can say is I'm sorry it has to be like this

    well first back off like as in give her some time to get the whole thing of how shes pregnant in her head.

    she doesn't really mean what she says. She slept with you etc because she loves you. She planned the whole wedding and baby names etc. because she wanted to spend the rest of her life with you. but now that shes pregnant its almost as if she has no choice but to and I'm pretty sure the pregnancy thing juts came out as a shock to her. And she really doesn't know how to handle it!

    so she believes that if she maybe avoids you the problem will be solved by it self. i can clearly tell that you sill have feelings for her well all i can say is just let it take some time. She's just getting used to it herself.

    tell her every things going to be allright! she's probably just mad at you for letting this happen to her so write her a note, or send her flowers just something anything to let her know you're there for her

    hope i helped

  2. She may be expecting your kid. Emotions are up and down then.

    Either that or it is over. I am sorry but it is part of life. It isn't what you do on a date, it just wasn't meant to be if she is in fact not pg. You will meet someone right.  

  3. Hide in her bushes and check on her nightly to make sure she isn't lying.

  4. well if i was you i would try to give her space. you must be hurting A LOT. i have been in a similar situation and the answer was that he was interested in another girl. maybe your relationship moved too fast and got boring for her? maybe she will end up missing you and come back. my advice to you is to try and make her jealous. flirt with the other girls at work in front of her. either she will get really jealous and mad, or start bringing another guy around and prove that she really is over it.

    good luck to you and i hope you guys can work things out.

  5. What to do next? Give up on the girl. If she really wanted you, she'd make more effort.

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