During Reagan's second term, United States relations with the Soviet Union?
a. broke down completely
b. improved
c. grew increasingly cold
d. did not change
To deal with the recession of the early 1990's, Oresident Bush agreed to?
a. increase vastly the federal bureaucracy
b. raise new taxes as part of a deficit-reduction plan
c. increase spending for social programs
d. nominate Clarence Thomas to head the department of the treasury
Which aspect of the New Deal angered conservatives?
a. it aimed to end the Great Depression
b. it expanded the size of the federal government
c. it lowered taxes for the wealthy
d. it was based on social Darwinism
What cases was promoted by some groups within the New Right?
a. womens rights
b. homosexual rights
c. Christian values
d. federal regulation
Which best describes President Reagan's policy on miltary spending?
a. in order to balance the budget, spending must remain level
b. in order to bring peace, spending must not increase
c in order to protect American interests, spending must increase
d. in order to lower taxes, spending must decrease
What distinction did Sandra Day O' Connor achieve in 1981?
a. she became the first female American astrounaut
b. she became the first female Republican candidate for vice president
c. she became the first female speaker of the house
d. she became the first female Justice of the U.S. supreme court