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i am deathly afraid of spiders, and i saw the hugest spider today. Then i saw another, and another. And, now whenever i feel something, it feels like I'm touching a spider. Its scaring the heck out of me. Anyway, are there any ways to permanently get spiders out of your house? I really would like to know. Thank You




  1. The only way to permanently get spiders out of your house would be to rebuild it in the same way a clean room is built for constructing satellites. Since that is most likely beyond your budget.  I suggest you learn how not to fear them at least to the point you can tolerate them. They will be around the rest of your life.

  2. i dont think there is much you can do im also having the same problem im noticing there EVERYWHERE there around my bed in the shower and everywhere!!! my husband had to go around the home to catch them and put them back outside......but it was still no good there still hiding around the home  

  3. LOL... train a cat to kill spiders...? i dont think you can train a cat to kill spiders jennings. BUT! if you point the spider out to your cat, it most likey will eat it. my cat generaly does, it likes spiders for some reason. and moths =[. poor moths.

    You are scared of spiders? well, feel lucky that you have the big ones everywhere. at least they arent the little ones that move quickly and get everywhere =[ i actually prefer the bigger ones. at least you know where they are.

  4. get a cat and train it to kill spiders

    ot buy a pond dipping net and use it to scoop up spiders and put them outside

    sadly there is no way to keep them out

    try not to kill them though they do a lot of good

    i hate them too but use the pond dipper to catch them

    can be a fair way away as its got a long handle

  5. when u have spiders its actually a sign they have plenty of food to eat, I suggest u get pest control or spray around ur house yourself

  6. not really u can spray them with hairspray tho they jus sorta stick haha its funny... also they hide in cracks in the wall as well bt it doesnt mean they wil get in2 ur house

  7. Poor you, you have my sympathy, I have the same phobia.

    Try any (or all, to be sure) of these:

    1. Lemon fragrance EVERYWHERE! Lemon candles, lemon surface cleaner, lemon air freshners, etc. I don't know why but spiders hate lemon. I got that tip once and it really seems to work.

    2. Chestnuts (you'll have to wait til Autumn). Hang these in the little bags you get with washing powder tablets and hang them at your doors / windows. Again I don't know why but spiders hate them.

    3. Pluggy In Things. I'm not sure what they're called but you can get them in B&Q or similar. Plug them into sockets around the house, they send some sort of high pitched frequency around the house which spiders don't like. I have 3 in my house. I have only seen 3 spiders in my house in a year and a half, and I live in a village in the middle of the countryside!!

    Good luck!!

  8. I used to be arachnophobic until I watched Spiderman. I know that this is weird, but watching these 3 films cured me completely (they are really good as well). This may help.  

  9. a hypnotherapist could help take the fear of spiders away. good luck x

  10. i advise you to get over your fear. fair enough if it was of heights or whatever but its a little bug. how bad can it be.

    i used to hate worms i thought they were gross but i got realistic and come to terms i was just being pathetic like a child.

  11. try citronella candles and rub the candles around the doors. you can also get citronella oil and you could put this in problem areas. its an insecticide but it smells nice. i'm pretty sure you can buy them in garden centres if not go on the web and buy it online.
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