
HELP...Severe Musty Underarm Mole..

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For the past 3 weeks I have had this growth under my arm and I thought maybe it was just a mole.. well it has gotten so big it looks like a smashed potatoe, anfd now the sucker turned black?? I don't know what this thing is, but it stinks like rotten garbage, it's almost like soupy diareaha.. this is serious!! When i lift my underarm up the thing jiggles like jelly, I tried to pop it, squeeze it, bust it, and even bite it, but I tried to bite it once because it gave me a stinch breath.. It is so embarrassing.. My friends ask me what that smell is everytime I come around.. It's hard to describe the stench, everytime I lift my armpits whoa!!! the fumes of that rotten looking potatoe nearly knocks me out!! I tried showing my mom and she tried to touch it and it jiggled and let out a foul odor that made her puke, now her finger has a bad smell that will not go away, I do have a doctor appt, but what I wanna know is has anyone ever experienced this before and if so please tell me what it is???

The smell is CRUCIAL




  1. EEEWWWWWW... That is NASTY!!!

    I have never experienced anything like that before or heard of someone having that, you may have a serious, and possibly rare problem you really need to get checked... BTW

    That is disgusting details.TMI

  2. Go see a doctor!

    Right now!

    BTW- 'Severe Musty Underarm Mole' -priceless

  3. Okay that sounds like something you might want to go and get checked.

  4. I have no idea what this could be and frankly I've never heard of anything like it. But, whatever it is, it is probably not good. It most likely is infected in a bad sort of way since it smells so bad. Don't touch it or try to pop it or bite it. If it is an infection, you could spread it to other parts of your body.

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