Gaping hole in this baby bunnys back/shoulder area. It looks to be about 12 days old? I'm not sure though.. Its eyes are open, and it could walk. Im thinking it was run over by a lawn mower because of the injuries. The muscle tissue is showing on the back.. About a half dollar size injury give or take.. Both ears are chopped off too. What should I do for this guy? Keep his muscles moist?? Let it dry?? No vet will take it within 60 miles.. No wildlife rehabilitator in my area within 100 miles. WHAT DO I DO? I've given horses stitches before... Should I stitch this little guy up? What should I use? Is anti-bacterial ointment out of the question? I know they have sensitive systems. Im not even sure I can stitch most of him up.. Doesn't look to be enough "extra skin to pull toether by the shoulders. I have experience with injured animals, and rehabilitation.. but not like that.. What should I do to keep it moist? Again, it's missing it's HIDE... Its not just a scrape- there is muscle tissue there... =( HELP!
1 second ago - 3 days left to answer.