
HELP---Should I go to a 'sake bombing'?

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lol yeaa I just found out what that is. Ok I'm starting college next week and I was invited by a bunch of people I've never met (but who are also freshmen) to join them in a get together by going sake bombing.

The thing is I've never drunk before in my life---I've never had beer or wine or anything--which is totally ironic because my mom's an alcoholic. I've just never had interest in getting drunk or even just drinking, and I was never pressured to do it either. sooo yea I'm so uncool hahaha...but yea should I still go to this thing? I mean they're obviously gonna expect me to drink so should I try it? I don't wanna seem like an amateur on anything tho lol.

Also, is sake bombing fun? Is it for more experienced drinkers or would I be able to blend in w/ the crowd?

Please helpppp

Thank you




  1. Sake could also be a code word for something else. I say don't do it, just pretend you have to work or something, or tell them you have a prior commitment that you forgot about. You should NEVER go anywhere with people you don't know, doing something you've never done before. That's just not safe and it doesn't make you cool. College isn't like high school, there is no popular clique and no will make fun of you for not doing what everyone else is doing.

    Sake bombing? Who calls a drinking party a "bombing"?

  2. This is a stupid and dangerous activity. Hang on to your values, your dignity your money and your health-OR-you could offer to be the designated driver, but i reckon their behaviour would bore you to tears.

    Be a nerd-nerds are groovy-nerds are in. So many freshmen have droppped dead at these gigs-if these guys you've not yet met are worth meeting, you'll meet them when you start college-have a good time-YOU ARE NOT UNCOOL-you are a strong and spectacular human being.

  3. I say no.

    This is drinking to get hammered (and potentially, later, puke your guts out on the bushes outside the dorms)

    The problem with sake is the high alcoholic content (17-18% as opposed to 5% for beer and 8% for wine) so you could get smashed really fast

  4. No your fine, only down like one or two though. That will leave you with a pretty good buzz.

    Also: Dont go on an empty stomach, eat something with bread in it before going it will help to reduce the effects of the alcohol.

    Make sure you let someone know where you are going and when you will be home! Set a limit! Tell them to come looking for you if not!

    About the amateur thing, people love getting other people drunk! They will not care one bit that it is your first time, in fact most people will try to buy you a drink and socialize with you!

    Be SAFE!

    HAVE FUN!!!

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