So I'm watching my housemate's cat for him while he's on vacation and he's actually on his flight back right now, but won't be here until tomorrow early morning. I came back from class today and noticed one of the kitty's eye was squinting so I looked closer and the rim of her eyelid (not the eye itself) is pinkish and looks swollen (only the bottom lid is swollen) and also the infected eye is watery. I also saw her pawing at it early so I'm guessing it's itching and must be irritating her. I called her owner and he said that's never happened before... her vet is in Oakland, CA and I'm in Berkeley and I dont have a car so I can't bring her to the vet. Her owner said to just wait til he gets home tomorrow but I'm so worried! What can I do in the mean time to relieve the irritation in her eye? The only thing I can think of that might've infected her eye is dust from our window/curtain? Earlier today I opened my blinds and she likes sunlight so she crawled in between the blinds and just sat there. When she crawled in between my blinds and window the side of her that was facing the window is her right side, which is consistent with her right eye being the infected eye. I feel so bad because I was responsible for the kitty and I let this happen! Any advice anyone? What can I do in the mean time until her owner gets back tomorrow?
Here's a picture of her swollen eye-