
HELP!!! Spotting between periods!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so i ended my last period on the 16th of august and today i noticed a little blood. Is this normal?? I'm sort of freaking out. I know i'm not pregnant because i'm still of virgin. So whats going on??? help!




  1. It's normal to spot. Don't worry about it.

  2. Calm down, it is ok that is natural.  It may just be the very last bits of your period or the early start of your next.  Either way don't worry, you probably just had extra blood to shed this time.  Periods are strange things, and the only time you have to worry about them is if they are extremely irregular or if they aren't there!


  3. yeah you can get it twice a month, it has happened to me before its completely can come back, d**n periods!!! lol

    ....yeah you shouldnt be worrying if youre getting it you should worry if youre not getting it!!!! lol

  4. maybe you have a cut

  5. It's normal.  Are you on birth control?  When you first start BC it's very common.

  6. uh...

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