
HELP!!!! Teaching my little sister!!!

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I feel so sorry for my little sis, and I blame myself, she's 5 and going to turn 6 in November, and she knows her alphabet and her numbers up to 20, she sometimes go way to 50 or more but sometimes she messes up and tell me she forgets, she doesn't have some of her sentences right,she can say some simple sentences like "I want juice" or "turn on the tv" but when it comes to explaining what she want or watever it just sounds like you cant understand what shes telling you, because she don't know most words and she confuses words with other words and use words she doesn't know and put it in her sentences which throws it all off and makes it sound dumb, she know some of her letter sounds, she doesn't know how to read at all yet, and I'm worried because I have a god sister who is 6 and she knows SOOOOO much, she even gets on my computer and literally take her time to pop up Disney Channel, and I know a little boy who is 4 or 3 and he knows how to read, and have his sentences straight a little, and to me it's like d**n....I tried teaching my little sis directly, sometimes she takes it as a joke and act stupid, and sometimes she just want to learn but it's really hard for her, it's like I'm teaching her Calculus! She manage to learn her colors from school because before she didnt know, but to me I think she needs to be taught by someone she doesn't know, but when it comes to lying and playing, this little girl is brilliantly smart...I don't undertsnad. Any suggestions that will help her interest in learning??? Cuz I don't know what to do now....

I learn pretty quickly though, and I wasn't like that when I was little...So any help...Please....




  1. Mom needs to get her tested ASAP for a learning disability.  There are early screening tests that can be done to determine her needs.  The earlier it is diagnosed the better for her.  You are a great sister to notice and this will help her.  All the things you are doing are very helpful.  Make certain to give her books to read and read to her.  Even if she can't read you are helping her by showing the words.  When you read ask her questions about the story like a bird can fly but what does a frog do?  She may need a speech pathologist to work with her to help with her forming sentences or pronouncing words.  

  2. take her to school!

  3. I very much appreciate you wanting to help your little sister, but you know what? You need to really calm down because there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with your sister.

    Don´t expect your sister to be exactly like you were at that age (it´s not that you can honestly fully remember what you could or could not do back then... believe me!). Just because some other child her age can already read, it doesn´t mean your sister has to be able to read already.

    You list all these things your sister can already do, she doesn´t sound stupid, disabled or silly at all - she sounds exactly like any girl her age should behave. Knowing to read before you even enter school is a plus, but it is in NO way necessary and it is in NO way "normal" for every single child in 1st grade to already know how to read.

    It is not your job to teach your little sister, and there are people who will do that in your stead in about a year´s time: her future teachers. As harsh as it might sound to you: leave your sister alone. Play with her, talk to her, explain things to her that just come up during your play sessions or talks - but don´t try to lecture her. Children at about 6 develop a natural curiosity in learning and your sister will most definitely bounce off from her first day at school onwards; there is a reason why kids start school at that age. Leave her time to be a child, for God´s sake. Let her play and act silly; she´ll have to focus and work hard soon enough anyway. Of course your sister takes you trying to lecture her as a joke and acts stupid; almost any younger sibling would do the same.

    You don´t need to know what to do, because, quite frankly, it´s not your job. Calm down and let go, really. You´ve got it right in one point: your sister needs somebody she doesn´t know to teach her. She´s not yet interested in learning some things, because she doesn´t have to.

    "This little girl is brilliantly smart", you wrote. So what are you worrying about? Leave her all the time she needs, and believe me, your sister will be very very happy to have you as a "big sister" to look up to and to come to whenever she has any questions. She´ll be glad to have you there; just reassure her that she can ask you for help or explanations whenever she wants to, but in the meantime simply let her act her age. :)

  4. I am a genius at some things, other things I am a complete idiot. Be patient, she is very intelligent.

  5. If you're not a trained educator, it's going to be difficult for you to "teach" your sister.  She could have some sort of speech impediment that makes it difficult for her to communicate.  My nephew used to garble up his words and it was difficult to understand him.  My sister had him tested and it turned out he just needed help understanding the difference between different letter sounds.  She got him into an intensive speech program and now he doesn't stop talking.  

    If she goes to school, her teachers will teach her how to read.  At home you should be reading books to her and with her.  Don't try to teacher her to read.  Just read the book and ask her questions about the pictures and what she thinks will happen in the story.

  6. Is "Hooked on Phonics" still out?

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