
HELP!!! Teenage Painting Nightmare!?

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Ok folks!I'm trying to find a way to deal with a Teen bedroom painting job gone wrong!My 15 yr.old son & I have been planning a room redo for him for some time.Which consisted of 3 cans of dark grey paint (back round paint), and 1 can of black paint (to be put on the walls in a "SPLATTER" effect). Everything went great, UNTIL 1 of my sons friends showed up to "HELP"! Somthing that was a work of art went into a paint job from H***! Damage was done to parts of the carpet, which was Covered & taped down, but got ripped up. Disgusted by the paint job, ( My son did know how to do it right, because we took 3 days going over the technique) I proceeded to explain my dismay in honest detail.In the porcess, my son started cussing at me in front of his "Friend". I sent the "friend" home.The damage can be fixed, but I am hurt by his disrespect.He's really a good kid, but I'm trying to find a good way to make him accountable for his actions.Any good ideas?HONEST ideas please!


a mom




  1. i would think your son is taring to be cool or he like emo sufft i like emo thing but i am not emo so your son is going to get out of it if he is staring to drink or do drug or cut him self then that is when you have help him but he is trying to be cool in front of his friend will grow up don't worry that much

  2. Your son's disrespect is completely unacceptable.  He owes you an apology, plain and simple.  I'm assuming that your explanation of your dismay was acceptable, as well.  But, either way, his disrespect should not be tolerated and a heart felt apology is in order.  Sounds like his emotions got the best of him and I'm sure he must have been disappointed in the outcome of the paint disaster as well.  Unfortunately, he took his frustrations out on you.  My feelings would be hurt, too, but if you try to put it into perspective, I'm sure you can come to forgive him for his outburst and remind him that he's not allowed to talk to you like he did or future discipline would be much tougher.

    As far as the room disaster is concerned...he can start over by priming the walls and attempting another work of art without the help of the friend and perhaps pay for it himself if you think that may be in order.

    Good luck.

  3. Beat him.

  4. You can use wall stickers with different color like butterfly wall stickers,  popular characters or decorative theme instead of painting. I think it is easiest and cost saving too.

  5. my advice is simple. get brighter colors and just start throwing them at the wall. who cares abotu technique this is suppose to be a fun and free spirited paint job. make it cray then if you have to just put a piece of furniture over the messed up carpet or replace it. talk to your son abotu what to do and see if he has any ideas. also when he clams down make him apologize for his rude behavior. if u need to get a professional to fix the wall then start over. either way this will take money to fix. best of luck to you.

  6. Hey may have just been cussing at you because he's friend was there and he didn't want to seem like he was "under his mom's control" I'm 18 and I know the feeling, but I've never cussed at my mom., judging by his paint job being cool in important to him, and being yelled at by your mom in front of your friend probably the last situation he wants to be in (not that you did the wrong thing, I don't know I wasn't there) I would say your best bet would be to let him cool down, and yourself, and go over it with him in a calm none controlling manner (not that you don't have control over him, every mom has control to some point its just the way things go) that you need to respect each other, and go over each other's boundaries.


  7. im not sure really, but you must be a pritty cool mom to come up with the splatter idea!!

    thats well cool idea!

    you should be pleased with yourself , and your son should apriciate you more . My mom would never even let me do something like that to my room


  8. Make him live with the paint job as is or make him do the entire job by himself.

    Negative behavior earns negative consequences.

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