
HELP! There's a bat flying around in my living room!?

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HELP! It's a medium sized bat flying around my living room. The people at animal control told us to throw a towel over it, and it's hanging from my front door right now. What do I do!?




  1. Tell Batman to STOP IT!!!!!!!!!

  2. i agree wit 2nd person

  3. Try to close the doors to the other rooms in the house and keep it in as small a space as possible.  You don't want it flying around the bedrooms or anything like that.  If you are able to throw a towel over it then good, get it outside as soon as possible and release it.  If not keep the door open and hope like heck it wants to go outside.

  4. This has happened to me atleast three times before, wait for it to land and once it has sneak attack it with a towel like animal control said, but have a box ready.  Put on gloves of some sort, pick it up within the towel, put it in the box, but the top on, then take it outside.  Take the top off and pull off the  towel and run the other way, it will fly off.

  5. open all doors and windows and hope it leaves

  6. Bats aren't as frightening as people think they are. They don't want to bite you or get into your hair. He's probably just as upset as you are. Too much light for him as well.

    If you have a back door, have one person go out it and open up the front door, than have another person come towards the bat with a large blanket, hopefully it will spook it to fly out the open doorway.

    Of course you can also throw the blanket over him and then you'll see where he's flopping around and be able to pick up the blanket and scoop him up and take him outside. Then simply shake the blanket and he'll be free.

    Bats eat a ton of bugs every night. All those mosquitos he eats makes you safer from getting a disease from said mosquitos. Bats flying around in your yard make mosquito's flee  and keep you from getting so bit up.

    I know it can seem scary, i've had both a bat and a squirrel get in. I can tell you the squirrel was nastier than the bat ever was. He wants out as badly as you want him out. Don't open all the windows and doors though as you don't want yoru house to fill up with bugs.

    Take a big breath, get the door open on the one side and woosh him out. No pain and all gain.

    good luck!

  7. Don't look into its eyes - but don't turn away from it or it will strike. I'm deadly serious - DO NOT LOOK AWAY FROM IT!

  8. open all doors get a net a get it good

  9. You should ether go into a different room or put a light on it while the door is open.

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