
HELP!!!! They wont leave me alone! Please answer! About jury duty!?

by  |  earlier

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I went to serve jury duty LESS THEN A YEAR AGO and I keep getting summons and non stop phone calls to serve again! They send the summons to my old address. I keep sending them back saying I already served and that I have a new address but they still send them to the old one. Your only suppose to serve once a year and I did already but they won't stop trying to contact me. I've gotten atleast 6 summons in the past 5 months and a pre-recorded phone call every other day. I've called also to say that I change my address but nothing has changed!!! I feel like I'm being harrased! What can I do to make them leave me alone!? I live in California by the way. When I went the first time, they said we only had to serve once a year, but what they are doing to me is ridiculous.




  1. I think they have trouble getting jurors, because every one has excuses for being exempt. Also, when I went, they specifically said "You probably won't have to serve again for at least two years." So, you may have to go unless you can get a note from an employer or doctor. If your job can't sprare you for another two weeks, they should give you a note.

    BTW, you might want to actually go down to the court house and talk to someone about this directly.

  2. What you need to do is go down to the court house and inform them personally that you served jury duty within the last year. As regards to your address, have you gone to the DMV and filed a change of address with them. Most court houses go by the address that is on file with the DMV. Also the jury summons possibily goes by your DL and that is why you keep getting contacted.

  3. Boy, that is unusual! Are you sure they don't want you as the SUBJECT of the trial, I mean like, prosecute you!

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