
HELP! Tropical Storm Fay, Squirrel babies blown from tree?

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Their eyes are still closed, and the hair is sparce so they are young. I dried them off, warmed them up put them on a heating pad, they seem a little dehydrated..any recipes for a formula I can give them to help them survive the night or should I just give them water. I will take them to the wild animal hospital in the AM




  1. I have raised two baby squirrels in the past.  I fed them a formula I made with canned condensed goat's milk and water.  At first it's important to make the formula using mostly water and just a slight bit of goat's milk and then day by day increasing the amt of milk and decreasing the amt of water but not going past 50/50 milk to water.  I would heat it to just above room temperature before feeding with a dropper.  I also added a drop or two of liquid pediatric vitamins.  Once they were old enough I would begin mixing in baby cereal and would continue to give them that until they could eat regular squirrel foods.

    I would recommend that you take them to the wild animal hospital you mentioned and not try to raise them yourself.  It's very time consuming.  I used to have to find babysitters for the squirrels just to be able to go to work/school b/c they needed to be fed about every 3 hours when really young.  It is a lot of responsibility.

  2. wet dog food.  or cat will work too.  it gives them protien and water.

    or call 3 0 2 - 9 9 8 - 2 9 9 5

    they might know better. they are a animal hospital.

    good luck

  3. One website suggests the following food formula: 1 cup of whole milk (squirrels need the fat), 1 Tablespoon of white Karo syrup and 200 I. U. of vitamin E, which is water-soluble. Combine the milk and syrup and scald the milk (heat it at a medium-high heat on stove, stirring constantly with wooden spoon, until just before milk comes to the boiling point). Scalding milk kills the enzymes that can upset a squirrel's stomach. You must not use cheese, due to its enzymes.) Let the mixture cool and put it in a clean jar. Add 200 I.U. Vitamin E to the formula. As Vitamin E tends to float on top, shake the container well several times to mix. Store in a refrigerator and take out only a small amount to heat for each feeding. One of the gentlest ways of reheating is to boil a small amount of water in a Pyrex custard cup in a microwave oven or in a pan on top of the stove and set the small amount of milk formula (in a baby food Jar) in the hot water for a few seconds or so until it is at room temperature. Throw away any of this unused formula.

  4. kitten forumala works perfect we have three that feel out of there nest and they r doing great

  5. Call the W A H there should be an emergency number and ask there advice.

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