
HELP: Two bunnies in one cage- one is sick?

by  |  earlier

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They've been together- in contact- for almost two days. One has a respiratory infection. I only have one cage and one water bottle, so I don't know how to separate them. Is it too late for the bunny not showing any symptoms? Should I leave the sick bunny in the cage and put the other in a box? HELP please!! Is it extreme enough that they should be in different rooms?




  1. rabbit illnesses are usually very infectious. so yes, separate them until one is cured. you don't need to keep them in separate rooms, though.

  2. buy a new cage and new supplies. take ur other rabbit to the vet to see if it isnt sick.

  3. If you don't seperate, the other will contract the sickness as well.

    If the one rabbit is not put on antibiotics, it will worsen and could die.  And the second rabbit will follow if not seperated/quarentined and treated/watched as well.

    Rabbits do not get "colds".  If it is indeed the pastuerella virus causing the infection, this is contagious through contact, and airborne to other rabbits.  If you have seen the signs in the one, it's too late, the other is exposed already.

    If you want to keep your rabbits healthy and alive, you need to spend the money into another cage, seperate/quarentine and seek a rabbit knowledgeable vet for diagnosis and treament.

    Otherwise, let it worsen, the rabbit(s) will suffer and die.  

    Blunt and to the point.  To be a pet owner means Be responsible and do what is right by the animal.

  4. When bringing in any new rabbit it should always be quarantined from others fro 2 weeks. that way any illness that shows up will not be transfered to the other rabbit. Two unrelated rabbits should never be kept in the same cage,anyway. They will fight and can even end up with one dead.

    if your rabbit has a respitory infection it is most likely Snuffles(pasturella) This disease is not curable. Antibiotics will mask the disease but the rabbit will always have it. It can flare up at anytime and the rabbit will continue to get sicker and sicker. it is a horrible disease. It does eventually kill the rabbit. it is also highly contagious. Most likely your rabiit is already infected. if the sick one is the new acquired rabbit. You need to return to whoever you bought it from.

    You need to get them seperated---right NOW!!!

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