
HELP URGENTLY NEEDED. Feel like im being compared with her ex?

by  |  earlier

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Im currently seeing a girl, we're not official but we hold hands, hug, have made out and stuff. I have considered asking her to be mine but a recent event has made me kinda skeptical about it. We were talking about our exes and she told me how her ex had "proposed" to her, and it was sweet to the point where i most definitely cant compete. This has made me kinda doubt myself and not want to settle for anything less than what he's done, for fear she might not be satisfied. I feel like im stuck in a rut or smth. Should i not ask her to be mine anymore or do i do it and make myself look inadequate? :(




  1. ask her if she still has a thing for him

    she was probably trying to make you fell jealous

    if she says she is over him well go for it!  

  2. That was probably a poor attempt at hinting to you that she likes sweet, romantic gestures, however, she could be trying to make you jealous. Regardless of her reasons, don't let anyone make you feel inadequate.  You shouldn't have to compete, if she likes you for you nothing else should matter. You also need to remember that he's her ex for a reason. I would think back on that entire conversation, what did you say about your exes and what else did she say.  You may be making something out of nothing.

  3. Theres a reason theyre not 2gether, nice guys finish last babe just be yourself.

  4. definately ask her. it doesnt matter if he did it all sweet bc they are not together anymore lol. shes with you now kid go get her! lol

    oh and email me if you want help with your answer from my last question idk how to email you lol

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