
HELP WHAT SHOULD I DO easy 10 points hockey question?

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i play roller hockey right now and im one of the better people in our league, which we will call league1, well i can only play in league1 for one more year. the is another league called league2, our leauge1 team went and played at league2s tournament and we got killed every game.

now my question is should i play my last year at league1 or just move to league 2 now




  1. though some might think you're jumping ship and leaving your teammates for the better team, andrew is right, if you want to improve your game, you should go to the better team and learn different and possibly better techniques.

  2. Play one more year at 1, just to make you better then go to 2, you'll be a better player by then.

  3. If you have already committed to league1 and the season has started stick it out - you made a commitment to a team and should not let them down.

    If you haven't started the season yet, go to league2 for sure as you will improve a ton playing tougher competition.

  4. well if you find league1 too easy then play league2. but if your not good enough for league2 you might not get a lot of floor time. but you said you were one of the better players in 1 so id go with 2 if you wanted to improve and challenge yourself. but if you just want to have fun go with 1

  5. If you are good enough for league 2, then play league 2.  You need to challege yourself inorder to improve.

  6. I am also an avid in line hockey player, i faced a similar debate in high school(where i led the league in penalty mintues and goals my sophomore year), to play in my underdeveloped high school league or go to a private league which was much more competitive.  I went to the private league and couldn't have prospered from it more.  I now play in a semi-pro league in st louis and can attribute a lot of that success to the step up in competition.

    ****yah the one good skill I had was speed, in my high school I was as fast as they came, but when i went to the private league i was honestly middle of the road, but i made up for it by having a very quick and accurate wrist shot(ala joe sakic).  You definitely should jump up to the higher league asap.  It will help you be able to see hockey in a different perspective, analyze plays, know where to be at what time and also skate and play at a higher level.  The one thing i would recommend to be a stronger/faster skater was resistance skating(either with weight jacket on yoru torso, weights on arms/legs or resistance skating, where you have a small parachute on your back and you skate at full speed)  those exercises helped me greatly in becoming a stronger skater when I jumped up to a more competitive league, and I still use them today.

  7. league 2

    think about it, Next year your gona get your *** handed to you if you play the easy league again. Or when it realy counts (next year) you will have already had that experence....

    league 2 will be better for you

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