
HELP! WHat Shuld I Du aBout mY frIENd???

by Guest31895  |  earlier

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k so I am a 13 year old girl and my best friend Ta'Quandra Is cALLin me A HO!11!!11!1 sHe sAys jUST CuZ i hAvE s*x at 13 anD Am pRegnANT that I aM A ho11!11!!!111 sHE also Sayz its grOss that I have a crUsh on my 9 year old brotha!!!111 HELP1! Whut cAn I DoO???????




  1. Eww are u stupid??? that is disgusting. And you obviously posted to get attention. Its SAD!!

  2. Uhm.

    Having s*x doesn't make you a hoe. but it's so much better what people will call you later on...

    Crush on your brother she is right that is gross.

    Ta'Quandra isn't a real friend, she would support you.

  3. 0h gur1 u n33d t0 l3t tht fr3iind gO $h3 aiint r1ghtt!

    btw th@ts n@sty liikin yo br0 1111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111!!!!...

  4. HoW BuTs YoU gEt yo A$$ of tis cOmPuTeR AnD LeArN to SpELL.

    Omg it takes so long to type like that, Can you please type normal?

  5. I hope you're a troll.

    StOp HavInG s*x U HoOoOoO

  6. Type like a normal person and stop been an annoying troll?

  7. @Hh!!1! mAnn juS$ dOn't B hEr Fr!3nD nO mOe!!!111!!! u AiN't nO0 hO aNd hAV!n a ChRUsH oN uR bRuDDeR iS 00oK!!!!!!111!!1!! U sLAP tHt gURL!!!!!!11111!!1!!!!!!!!

  8. well if she is ur friend for real she should not call u that so she doesn't seem like ur ture friend and just stop having s*x and getting pregnant and talk to her it is so not right for a friend to call there friend a hoe

  9. u r a freak.

    u have s*x at 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG!!

    u r pregnant(wat is ur problem u idiot)

    and u hav a crush on ur bruther (EEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!)

    u r a sick sick person, I hope u die when ur baby is born"!

  10. So first off

    Type normal, No one can read what you are typing.

    Secong 13 and being pregnant that is a ho.

  11. So you have a kid with your brother? Wow...Thats incest.  

  12. k so you are a 13 year old girl and you are a hO.

    StOp hAviNg s*x & GeTtInG pReGgErs :S

  13. ok well it IS really gross that u like ur brother like u like him as a relationship and he is 9 and UR BROTHER U SICKO! and u shouldnt have s*x at only THIRTEEN!!!!!

  14. well, u r a ho!! either that or a TROLL. U shouldnt have a crush on ur bro. thats wrong and creepy. get some professional help.

    d0 y0u $3e h0w harD !T i$ t0 rEaD thIS tyP!nq? It'$ $0 stUPiD!!!

    type normal

  15. Just stop talking to her and make new friends or hang around other friends. Why hang around someone who is making rumours about you?That's not a real friend, is it?

  16. hey

    well if you have a crush on your brother thats called incest

    &if your pregnant at 13 --> you need to seek medical care for you and the baby

    and if your friend ta' Quandra is calling you a "garden tool" why don't go and talk to her & tell her thats not right

  17. YoU aRe A HoE!!!!!

    And most likely a troll.

  18. Learn to type properly.  

  19. ur 13? wat were u thinking!?! thats sad! tell her she is wrong about ur bro..... thats all i got for u.

  20. OMG!!!!111111U r $0rT@ @ HO cUz U hAviiN s*x @t d@ @g3 0f 13&&u HaViiN a CruSh On Y@h Bro????$h3 @!n't n0 tRu3 fw3nd......

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